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Hydro farm not getting water

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It's my first hydro farm, looking for some help - what am I doing wrong here? My water system is pumping into utilities fine, but in this hydro farm the water in the pipe stops flowing completely by the third tile in the farm. I have just ran a water pipe through all the hydro farm tiles assuming it would pump water through all of them? The pipe is not blocked and there is no error/damage to any of the piping that I can see.



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Click on the hydro farm tile and check if there isn't polluted water stored in that tile.

4 minutes ago, Jigsawn said:

but in this hydro farm the water in the pipe stops flowing completely by the third tile in the farm.

I should learn to read I guess.

Try to rebuild the pipe and give each tile its own short branch like this:


There used to be a bug when there were too many inputs on a pipe and it looks like it's resurfacing under certain conditions.


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