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Effects of tiles and ladders on dupe speed

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Some questions:

1) How much is horizontal run speed affected by plain tiles vs natural blocks? Plastic and metal tiles are listed as having a +50% bonus, so it must be less than that?

2) How big is the speed penalty (if any) for moving up and down ladders vs moving horizontally?

3) How big a speed effect do plastic ladders have versus normal ladders?

4) How big of a speed penalty is there for ladders with a gap every other block versus continuous ladders? 

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Constructed tiles all have a speed bonus over normal tiles.  Since it is a % bonus, it will scale with Athletics.  I don't think normal Ladders have a bonus, however, it is faster to use a Ladder than to climb a makeshift staircase.  Horizontal and vertical movement is clearly faster than diagonal.  Similarly, jumping from Ladder to Ladder would be slower than climbing up them normally.  The tactic is better suited to clearing a large space while not building flooring.

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