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2 game restarts now and starting with slime lung in air, is bug?

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So in 2 games now since I have started on a new save, I have tons of slime-lung in the air on the 1st cycle.

In the pic you can see its still only cycle 2, and in my list i am showing I have not even discovered slime yet.

On the map, this is no slime even exposed to the open volume border of any part of my dug out spot.

All my dups have well over 1000 slime lung in there immune systems bringing me to 92% already.

this also happened pretty much same on the previous play, the only thing similar I can think of for whats happening near by is those pufts being visible right off the bat.

Even so, up till these last 2 new game loads, I NEVER once have seen green dots in the air even when walking right on the slime blocks just as long as I didn't cut them up, the air would stay slime free.


Is this a BUG!


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It's part of the worldgen - notice that there were a couple tiles worth of swamp biome inside your starting area. That happens sometimes.

It's usually a very manageable amount of slimelung, so if you don't dig it out all at once you should largely be able to ignore it.

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