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[Suggestion] Food Priority

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It would be nice to be able to set some sort of food priority for the duplicants. Maybe by individual or how hungry they are. I keep hitting starvation and having to deselect all the duplicants except the ones starving in the food menu so the others dont eat it first.

Maybe I am doing it wrong, but I think this would help a lot.

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Something needs to happen, this is not fun to micromanage. Either my Dupes die from starving because I don't forbid everyone but them from eating or they die because I did forbid them from eating and then missed the alerts and they die because I was busy laying out a mega-structure, or dealing with some other issue.

I'd like a "rationed" option or something that would force the dupes to only eat if they are the "hungriest" to prevent making me micromanage something so tedious. Give them progressive debuffs for hunger levels as a balance.

Another option would be to provide all Dupes with a "starving" stress response which will cause them to attack any Dupe with food and take it for themselves.

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Actually, as of now there is a bit of a problem within the game that I was hoping to address @MatthewCline At some point, that being a bug with food storage. Perishables stored seem to all assume the same "Staleness", even if one item was stored several cycles prior and another identical foodstuff was generated a few seconds prior to storage. I think the temporary solution to your suggestion would be to put your desired eats in a one way room, and the stuff you want gone first be nearest the door, with second highest priority put second, etc. It sounds like an interesting suggestion however.

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On 26/02/2018 at 3:35 PM, En-tro-py said:

Another option would be to provide all Dupes with a "starving" stress response which will cause them to attack any Dupe with food and take it for themselves.


I love this.  Really good idea.

However, who doesn't pause the game completely when blueprinting.  Unless you know for sure your dupes are occupied with useful tasks for the next 15 minutes.  But that rarely happens for me.  Just pause the game, plan your **** and move on.

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I Would love to have a hunger slider on the ration box that work similar to the stress slider on the massage tables so you can set a ration box that dupes can only get food from if they have <X calories

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