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Ice quantity?

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Has anyone came up with some average figures of the quantity of ice, polluted ice and snow per game?  Since the conveyor and autosweeper have entered into the game I'm thinking I want to make heavy use of mined ice to supply my colony with water.  That said I would need to know the estimated amount of available frozen water per game to know if it's a worthwhile idea.


I know there's tons and tons of ice per game.  The question is how long would it last.  The geyser water would also be used as a heat source to equalize the water to desired temperatures.  The conveyors and autosweepers would be used with storage modules with low capacity settings, which would in my theory automatically sort the frozen water sources into very small chunks that could get past the games inability to partially melt large chunks.


My hope is that the combination of geyser water and frozen water would last several hundred cycles, and I wanted to share this idea but I'm sure I'm not the first to think of it.

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Mining any material halves its mass. If you want efficiency, you're better off making a chain of alternating tiles/doors and thermoplates (thermoplates don't exchange heat with each other) to carry the heat where you need it. Or pipe liquids - petroleum or polluted water - through the biome.

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