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Manual job prioritization for each dupe?

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Hello, I already posted this on the steam forums, but I figured I might as well post it here too.

I'd like to discuss an idea that I had for the priority issue we've been having lately with these jobs. What if we could simply open the jobs tab and set a priority for each job on each dupe?

Currently, since we keep the job bonuses after we master it, it's common that your main miner/researcher/artist are not on that particular job anymore, so the old 1-5* priority we had prior to this update wouldn't really work imo.

With this idea, you could set a specific dupe's mining priority to 9, so that if a mining job is available, he will always seek to do it. We can even keep the regular priorities we have now, so we can decide which mining job should be done first.

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I feel like it covers all bases though. I mean, if you want to have something generally done by a specific dupe, set that dupe's priority for that task really high; if you want to have that task done as soon as possible, no matter what, set that to a high star priority(like the system we had briefly during the preview); if you want to have the dupes just do whatever, like they do now, simply have every dupe with the same priority on every task(which would be the default).

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