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Security Duplicants!

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Security Duplicants!

With the full release of the Occupational Update, I’ve noticed one missing job from the new system: Combat. Now, in the game currently there is little to no use for this stat, as all creatures are not hostile unless provoked, and there are no other uses for this skill at this time.

However, I propose that, along with a new job tree “Security”, there could be some tweaks and revamps of current systems to turn this stat in to something useful and desirable.

To start, let’s return to the creatures inhabiting the asteroid. Currently, they provide no challenge or purpose aside from resource converters. However, short of some new hostile tunnelling worm monstrosity that would need defending against, maybe some the current creatures such as Hatches, upon discovery, should begin as hostile. But, nobody wants to kill these precious assets, so maybe appoint an “Alpha Hatch”, that upon destruction, the other, minor Hatches become docile.

But that is hardly a solid reason for a whole new job type, so next we turn to the only other living beings on this rock; Dupes.

We currently have a whole bunch of goody-goody Duplicants, whose only crimes involve eating to much, breathing too much, or spending too long in the privy. Maybe some more... volatile negative traits could come in to the swing of things?

Violent: Randomly lashes out at fellow Dupes, causing minor injuries.

Kleptomaniac: Takes small items, maybe eating extra food, ‘hiding’ valuable materials (taking and dropping them at a space assigned to themselves, such as their bed or mess table).

Sloth: Just doesn’t feel like it. Oversleeps, performs tasks slowly, might just go and chill in the rec room.

Rebel: Graffitis over decorations, doesn’t obey orders, performs other random duties as opposed to their own.

Now, nobody in their right mind is going to pick these Dupes if they have a choice, so perhaps instead of them being standard negative traits, maybe a ‘random’ stress response occurs at certain levels, such as 25%, 50%, or maybe just these events happen more frequently as your colony grows. 

So what do we do about these rabble-rousers?

Execute them!

Ahem. Your Security Dupes come in, and take them away to Jail/Rehabilitation/Solitary Confinement. These rooms would require certain buildings, like maybe a Security Station (think like a bank of CCTV screens at a desk, this is how Security know where the crime is committed), some decor (to calm their nerves), a bed and a toilet. Maybe a ‘Cell door’ that doesn’t truly separate the room, but just where the perp remains and the security booth. Think like the gates for Exosuits crossed with Airport Security gates. Maybe some kind of Manual Labour job, like running the wheel. 

After a certain amount of time, the Dupes Criminal Tendencies will subside, and will be free to continue their day to day life a new man! Their CT ‘level’ will go down more quickly when a Security Guard is working on their station at the time, like the Medbay. A higher Combat would further increase the speed at which their Crime goes down. 

Ranks of Security Guard could go from Rank 1 “Plodfoot/Gumshoe”, Rank 3 “Detective”, and Rank 5 “Officer”.

Personally, I’d just like to see a use for the Combat stat, whether it’s something like this or the next update drops hordes of beasts on us.

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This is an immense amount of work, for one new type of duplicant. A jail cell, cameras, a new stat that's almost identical to stress, patrol routes for police. Although the most difficult, fixing the combat would at least not be necessary, since the police can do other things in the game, even with that system as unfinished as it is right now.

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