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Algae: remove biohazard

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On the worldmap, algae is quite consistently shown NOT to be infested with germs. however, when placed in storage, the algae will suddenly invest the storage and all the dirt in the storage with germs. This can be seen by placing algae in storage by itself. Please just remove the germs from algae when placed in storage.

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There are often slimelung germs in the slime biomes, are you sure that's not what's happening? 

Also, if your dupes have germs on them, they put some of their germs on anything they carry. 

Could you post pictures of this happening?  Like a before and after with the germ overlay on?

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This is in the beginning of the game, no slimelung yet. Hrm, lemme try it...

Okay, now I'm confused. i tried again and couldn't replicate it. Why is the algae I delivered later (post toilets) filled with food poisoning but the algae I delivered right away not filled with food poisoning? The only place covered in food poisoning are the toilets. Let me try again. Maybe the dupes had food poisoning on them when they delivered it

Edit: AH. The lump of sand in front of the toilet that the dupe picked up after going to toilet but before washing his hands was infected. Washing hands does not clear the sand carried by the dupe of germs. So I need to clear all the things I want swept up in front of the toilet before any dupe goes to toilet. Yikes.

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Yea, you gotta clear toilets out the very first thing in a new game.   Ideally you want your toilets, wash basins, and water pump as your first major thing to be done, before anything else, on cycle one.  Perhaps throw some beds down around the printing pod if you are so inclined (The area around the printing pod is great either for making an early Bristle Blossom farm, or making it into a room for 6 dupes with a painting above each bed as a very very high decor early room for your base to pretty much nullify stress till your base starts getting fairly large).


Also, remember, you can get the Nice bathroom buff even with basic outhouses and wash basins, you DON'T need to wait for sinks and lavatories to put a door on your bathroom for the nice stress reduction buff.

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