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Forge Oceania Servers?


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So at the beginning of Forge, I and many other of my server members were able to connect to servers that were at less than 100 ping in Australia. Now we're lucky to get a server under 200 ping. So what's up with that? Are there no longer any Oceania servers? Every time we've set up a custom game, I personally have gotten around 280 ping.

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Me too.  I'm in Thailand and had been getting constant ping at 40-50 since the beginning of the forge.  Now, since the past few days, me and my friends in both Thailand and Vietnam always get minimum ping at 120++, and we are wondering why Klei shutdown the servers in our region. 


Not cool :(


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I concur, both during the Beta period and up until ~3 days ago there have been Oceania based servers with users I have been voice chatting with reporting stable <90 ping. Now I've yet to see a single <220 ping personally and some Australian based users have reported low 300's ping.

That sort of range makes playing the forge to any proficient degree as a healer or a runner/kite (and honestly anything) excruciating painful and a game of prediction. There's sadly no other options available to us other than physically move location, and since this is a limited time event at present I know a lot of long time and new fans would be grateful and pleased if there was some form of remedy to this.

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