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Can't get ventilation systems to push past first vent

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Can you not have a ventilation system with more than one output? I've tried multiple ways of doing this, putting the vent on the line itself and continuing on, having a branching path for the vent, using valves, bridges...no matter what, it seems to flow to one square past the vent and then flow back to it, blocking the flow and shutting down the pumps, or just ignoring the vent completely and then doing the same thing at the next vent.  I even tried multiple pumps, thinking that maybe it just needed more power, but to no avail.  Anyone have any ideas on this, it just really doesn't make any sense to me!!

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The behavior you are describing indicates, to me, that you have multiple Pumps pushing in different directions.  The flow direction between your Pump source and Vent destination is, in one way or another, ambiguous.


We'd need screenshots of your Ventilation Overlay to diagnose your system.

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Okay, you were absolutely correct about the other pump, I had another one over on the other side pushing towards these vents in the middle, assuming that as long as the pipe was empty, they would still push.  I disconnected that one, and now the main one is doing what it should, so I'll just have to figure out a rework for my ventilation from the secondary pump.  Thanks guys!

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