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2 Problems

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So right now I'm trying to do 2 things, one: character has the ability to turn invisible by keyhandler but her sanity drain stacks up whenever she goes invisible.

two: I have a lightning attack that attacks the target multiple times but is intended to hit in an Area of Effect multiple times. Any help is appreciated!

The invisibility and the sanity stacking each time i press the keyhandler:


local function NamiFn(inst)
if inst:HasTag("playerghost") then return end
if inst.transformed then
local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
local fx = SpawnPrefab("deer_ice_burst")
fx.Transform:SetPosition(x, y, z)


inst.components.talker:Say("Decloaked!", 2.5,true) 
local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()
local fx = SpawnPrefab("deer_ice_burst")
fx.Transform:SetPosition(x, y, z)


local x,y,z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()	
local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(x, y, z, 100)

-- Stop anyone from actively attacking me (notarget tag will make it so you dont get retarggeted)
-- for k,v in pairs(ents) do
	-- if v.components.combat and v.components.combat.target == inst then
		-- v.components.combat.target = nil
	-- end
-- end

inst.cloak_func = function(inst)
                if inst.components.sanity  and 	inst:HasTag("namicloak") then
                        inst.components.sanity:DoDelta(-0.0375 * 1, true, "Cloak")
inst.cloak_speed = 0.003
inst.cloak_task = inst:DoPeriodicTask (inst.cloak_speed, inst.cloak_func )

inst.components.talker:Say("MIIIIIIRAGE TEMPO!", 2.5,true) 
inst.transformed = not inst.transformed
-- inst.components.sanity:DoDelta(-10)
return true
AddModRPCHandler("Nami", "NAMI", NamiFn)

And then two the AOE attack thats not working:


local function spell(attacker, target, inst)

	local pt = target:GetPosition()
	local numlightning = 15
		for k = 1, numlightning do
			local theta = math.random() * 2 * PI
			local radius = math.random(5, 5)

			local result_offset = FindValidPositionByFan(theta, radius, 12, function(offset)
				local pos = pt + offset
				return #TheSim:FindEntities(pos.x, 0, pos.z, 1, nil, { "INLIMBO", "FX" }) <= 0
					and TheWorld.Map:IsDeployPointClear(pos, nil, 1)

			if result_offset ~= nil then
				local x, z = pt.x + result_offset.x, pt.z + result_offset.z
				local lightning = SpawnPrefab("lightning")
				lightning.Transform:SetPosition(x, 0, z)
				lightning:DoTaskInTime(0, lightning.TriggerFX)

				SpawnPrefab("deer_ice_burst").Transform:SetPosition(x, 0, z)
				target.components.combat:SetAreaDamage(7, 7)
				target.components.combat:GetAttacked(attacker, 25, inst)
        		target.components.combat:SetAreaDamage(7, 1)
Edited by rons0n
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For the first one, I do not see you cancelling the cloak_task, so it will effectively stack.

For the second one, you say it is not working. What is not working exactly? And why do you use StartThread? That seems like an overkill to me considering what you want to achieve.

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Thanks ZupaleX i totally forgot about that, goodbye to those annoying stacks!

The second does work but it only targets a single target, I want it to effect all the targets. I thought just slapping on target.components.combat:SetAreaDamage(7, 1) to see if that would do it but nothing happend. Im sure its something obvious but my slow processing mind doesn't know

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