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Custom item trouble

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Ok, the problem is that for a reason or another, your "sundrop" in the exported folder seems to not export well ?

The "sundrop" in the anim folder is a wand with a build name of wand (and probably a bank of wand as well). So it can't work. But i can't see what is the prob with your exported folder, it seems fine. So i don't know why it's not compiling in the anim folder like it should.

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Yes. Every item will be refered as missing name as long as it doesn't have proper line for name.

You want to add this in your modmain :


Replace "MYPREFAB" by the name of your item. Name is the name of the item, describe is the line a character says when examining the item.

Also, GENERIC is a generic line, as the name said. Meaning that all character that are able to speak will describe the item when examining it as "My prefab is amazing". You could add additional lines to have custom speechs for each character. Like :



If you add a recipe, you'll want to add a custom line for recipe, too.


So the recipe will be described in the tab. (You need others lines to create a recipe, this is just to give the recipe a description)

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