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Easy to distinguish materials in building overlay

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Sometimes you start building something, like an abyssalite insulating case or Wolframite liquid pipes and run out of materials while still dragging the wall/pipe. It will finish but at some point the material will switch to, for example, Granite. If there was a way to distinguish the planned structure's material without the tooltip/properties window, you would notice, could gather materials and correct the mistake right away.

One option would be color coding the materials in the building overlay, depending on how many materials will still be added, you could end up quite a lot of colors though. Another possibility would be abbreviations. It's a matter of taste and practicability. Colors would probably be easier to spot differences with, if you don't have 2 colors that are too close to each other.

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Well, another option is, that you can keep planning with the material, but get a notification that says something like " Can't finish building, lacking material xyz", since you're only planning anyway. It'll only happen with stuff you can drag, like walls, pipes and cables and if you're working on a bigger/more complex setup, like oxygen liquifier or hydrogen generator setup, it can be a bit frustrating to go through lots of pipes etc.

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