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Will there be a way to make custom duplicants? Will there be a way to customize the look of a duplicant? Choose facial features, hair, etc?

Will there be a use for chlorine? Will there be a way to manufacture bleach stone?

Will there be more cooking recopies for the cooking station? Cooked Lice Loaf could be a thing, along with cooking the meat from the various critters (baaaaacon), and the bristlebloom bulbs could possibly taste better cooked, too.

What the blazes do you use abyssalite for?

Will there be a way to put a pipe on the oxidizer and have its output hydrogen be gathered into a holding bank for the hydrogen generator?

That's all for now. Will post more when I come up with them.

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2 hours ago, Werekitty39501 said:

Will there be a way to make custom duplicants? Will there be a way to customize the look of a duplicant? Choose facial features, hair, etc?

When the game no longer give you free duplicants, when you reach a wealth/cycles threshold you have to buy them instead. (Maybe like Age of Empires 3 home cities?)

2 hours ago, Werekitty39501 said:

Will there be a use for chlorine? Will there be a way to manufacture bleach stone?

Maybe a way to create proper bleach? (bleug!)

2 hours ago, Werekitty39501 said:

Will there be more cooking recopies for the cooking station? Cooked Lice Loaf could be a thing, along with cooking the meat from the various critters (baaaaacon), and the bristlebloom bulbs could possibly taste better cooked, too.

If they add more plants, they can also add more recipes, different combinations with different buffs. I'd like a coffee like one that makes duplicants don't sleep.

2 hours ago, Werekitty39501 said:

What the blazes do you use abyssalite for?

Fed hatches? No other use right now, maybe some alien related crafted things, like thulecite or obsidian in Don't Starve,

2 hours ago, Werekitty39501 said:

Will there be a way to put a pipe on the oxidizer and have its output hydrogen be gathered into a holding bank for the hydrogen generator?

I'd like a way of storing gases in liquid form. Have a structure to use the stored gas that can attach to any other structure that requires gas input.

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Will there be more types of traits?

Will there be more variety in dupe generation? There needs to be more hair and eyebrow variety.

Will there be more usages for the different materials? The dupes need moar stuff to build.

Are there going to be heating and cooling systems? That fan is cute, but what if you really need to cool off your farm area?

Will there be more kinds of flora and fauna, including edible plants and critters?

Are there going to be weapons to be more effective in combat?

Will there be, like, armors, or hazmat suits to allow the dupes to explore areas with a lack of breathable atmosphere? After all you can, apparently, make airlocks so why not have hazmat suits?

Let me reiterate, the cooking station seems to be really underutilized, it having only one recipe.

Anyway, that's all for now. Stay tuned for more ridiculous questions from your friendly neighborhood werekitty.

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I just thought I would say, but obviously don't know, that yes. Yes to all of your questions. These are the people who made Don't Starve, trust me, there's a lot more to come. For instance, has anyone thought about what that machine in the beginning menu screen is? What about the image of a dupe in space? What about the little spoiler that comes up for half a second as it's loading your new world? Lots of good question's that with time will inevitably be answered.

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It is an insane alpha, bugs aside, you could release this and it would be better than 90% of the shovelware out there atm. I just love this game so much. It's a cross between the trial and error style of Don't Starve and the building in Prison Architect, both of which are games that effectively throw you in the deep end. I love games that only the hardcore can and will appreciate.

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Or to make bleach stone or other hygienic thingies to keep things clean.

Also I'd love to have more customization than just the name. Just to make the dupes look "right" to fit the names... Yeah, I want to make characters in the games. My little dupes are more than just duplicated people printed in some kind of 3D printer thing.

Also I was wondering will there be a way to move intact objects instead of having to deconstruct and reconstruct things like bunks, ration boxes, and other furnishings and usable objects?

Why do some of these random dupes make no dang blasted sense?! A cook with gastrophobia? An architect who's dimensionaly inept? That's just an oddness in the random generator that may need to be fixed or is that intentional?

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