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Infinite Lighter Mod?

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Heheh.  I love that you thought of me for this.  :p The main way I know (short of doing stuff to the code) is the "Willow the UnNerfed*" mod, which simply puts her back to her original singleplayer Don't Starve self.

...yes, ALL the way back.

...yes, including THAT part.

(Well...not _quite_ all the way back. She still has Bernie, and she can still craft a lighter if for some reason you lose yours.  You can't cook on it, though.  She also drops the lighter upon disconnecting, ala Chester's eyebone and such.)

Anyway, relevant mods include:

Willow the UnNerfed by Ace Murdock  (I use this one 'cos I played regular Don't Starve first and know--kinda--how to handle her insanity.  It's not for everyone.)  Note that this ADDS the old Willow to your game, not replaces the DST version!  (As I used to think.)  If you scroll to the very end of your character list, you'll see Willow listed again--that's the DST one.  Both versions still have the DST description, though.

Twigs and Matches by Gummy Gumshoe; this does various tweaks to the two DST characters who arguably need it the most, Willow and Woodie.  (And some other various tweaks.)  Willow's lighter doesn't lose fuel while being used _by her_, you can still cook on it, and she's immune to fire again.  She doesn't set fires when insane yet but apparently that's upcoming.  The tweaks to Woodie are AWESOME, too, and very much needed.  Maxwell, Abigail and Wickerbottom get some (much-needed, in Maxwell's case) love as well.

Characters Rebalanced by Broken Android.  As it sounds like, this is tweaks to just about everyone.  The relevant thing here is that Willow's lighter, again, only loses durability when used by someone else.

Characters Rebalanced for PvP by Indie-Ana Jones.  In case you PvP.  Willow takes _less_ damage from fire and her lighter is again infinite when wielded by her only.

Aaand, there ya go.  :)  Again, flattered you thought of me instead of one of the oldie members who draws lovely fanart of Willow and/or has a title, or stuff like that.  Heh.


*If you look up the list of mods being used by a server, _there_ it's called "Willow the Firestarter". Confusing, but it's the same thing as "UnNerfed".

Edited by CaptainChaotica
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local function onequip(inst, owner)
    owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_object", "swap_lighter", "swap_lighter")

    inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/wilson/lighter_LP", "torch")
    inst.SoundEmitter:SetParameter("torch", "intensity", 1)

    if inst.fire == nil then
        inst.fire = SpawnPrefab("lighterfire")
        --inst.fire.Transform:SetScale(.125, .125, .125)
        inst.fire.Follower:FollowSymbol(owner.GUID, "swap_object", 56, -40, 0)

local function onunequip(inst,owner)
    if inst.fire ~= nil then
        inst.fire = nil


local function onpocket(inst, owner)


I always test every bit of code before I post it as an answer, so I'm fairly certain it won't crash. It won't crash on cooking food neither, since it has a check for the component.

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