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Need help Coding in custom stuff

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Name: Lyss, Bloodwolfe (firstname, lastname)

Stats: Health[350] Hunger[50] sanity[150]


1. Her dragon like blood makes her resistant to heat and fire damage[x0.25 heat build up and, x0.5 damage taken from fire]

2. Her vampiric nature increases her strength (further increased at night)[x2.5 during day, x3 during night]

4. Her Dragon-like blood and fur makes her more resistant to the cold[x0.25 cold build up]

5. She has the ability to regenerate health over time but she suffers increased hunger rate for it [x1.5 faster hunger drain, 2 health every 2 seconds (or 1 hp per second if you have to)]

6. She becomes annoyed when attacked and becomes tempted to bringing out her dark powers when she is attacked[she loses 3 sanity everytime she is attacked]

7. She brings out her inner darkness and becomes a warrior of the shadows[activates at 10 or less sanity and her stats become x3 damage during day and x4 damage during night, x2.5 hunger drain, and 3 health every 2 seconds(or 1.5 ever second if you have to)]

8. Her prowess in the night allows her to gain sanity at a steady pace through the night[x0.50 sanity gain at night]

9. Her vampiric blood prevents her from having enjoyment in the day[x0.25 sanity gain during the day]

10. Her wolf like reflexes give her enhanced speed[x1.5 speed]

11. Her hybrid eyes allow her to see in the dark[emits a light just large enough to prevent the darkness from scratching her, or can see in the dark(if you can)]

Custom items:

1. Death Scythe [a scythe that does 300 damage but it only gets 2 uses]



This is a character that was requested for me to make, problem is that I only took an intro int Java script Drawing and animation, I'm not too sure how I would code all of this, the sanity gain at night I can do but the sanity drain during the day I don't know the code The art I'll be able to do just fine, but I need help I took a bigger bite than I can chew...


EDIT: Alright alot of the code is done now it is the spriter issue...


WARNING for those who have OCD this picture can cause nightmares.


Any way The character wont compile right... and I'm not sure how to fix it I'm very new to spriter and it is like alien technology to me, I was hoping someone could help me with this.



Edited by Andreasgamming
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