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Editing game files

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I wanted a mod that changes telltale heart recipe to play with friends. I found one (Customizable Telltale Heart) but it turned out that it works only for the host. So i downloaded other mod which changes some recipes and works for clients too (Kindling Fire) and changed telltale heart recipe the same way other changes in this mod work. Still didnt work for clients. Only way i can see to change it is editing game files.

So here is my question: Is it ok to change game files and use it on server with friends only? Will I be banned if I do that? Recipe i want to have is strictly harder and I WON'T play on other servers than mine or my friends with edited files

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It's perfectly fine to change up the game files to your liking.
Your modified files will only affect the servers that you host, and won't transfer over to someone else's server.
Similarly, someone else's server is dependent on what they modify in the game files.
Keep in mind, there is no way for someone to know if you have modified your server is such a way without contacting you, or unless you leave a note in the description or something.

Note: Any files you modify will be overwritten by any new game updates. If you're straight up modifying the game files and not creating a mod, I recommend keeping a separate text document with your changes that you can copy and paste into the game files if a new update were to overwrite your modifications. (It may also help to create a text document with no modifications if you ever wish to revert your changes, but forget what were the default values of what you modified. Otherwise, you'll have to reinstall the game to restore the game to default.)

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