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Can't Check If The World Is Resetting

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Basically, I currently have this in my code in a prefab.


local function OnHaunt(inst, haunter)
    if math.random() <= TUNING.HAUNT_CHANCE_HALF and TheNet:SetIsWorldResetting(false) then

    haunter:DoTaskInTime(5, makespiderpossessed)

    return false


However, it never seems to work.  Even if the world isn't resetting, it won't run.  Any idea why this won't work?

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Well the "TheNet:SetIsWorldResetting(false)" is a SET, so I don't think it will ever return true, not sure what you could use, but I guess you could check if the gamemode is survival and if the alive player count is 0?

Edited by Aquaterion
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1 hour ago, Aquaterion said:

Well the "TheNet:SetIsWorldResetting(false)" is a SET, so I don't think it will ever return true, not sure what you could use, but I guess you could check if the gamemode is survival and if the alive player count is 0?


I tried doing that, but I couldn't figure out how.

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local gamemode = TheNet:GetServerGameMode() --to get gamemode

local pcount = 0
for _,p in pairs(AllPlayers) do
	if not p:HasTag("playerghost") then -- to get amount of non ghost players
		pcount = pcount + 1

im not sure what exactly GetServerGameMode returns, if its a string with gamemode name of some id, might require some checkin but other than that it would go something like;

 local function OnHaunt(inst, haunter)
    if math.random() <= TUNING.HAUNT_CHANCE_HALF and pcount == 0 and gamemode == "survival" then

    haunter:DoTaskInTime(5, makespiderpossessed)

    return false


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gamemodes.lua also defines GetResetTime:

local gamemode = TheNet:GetServerGameMode()
local resettime = GetResetTime(gamemode) -- table (with settings) if current gamemode will reset on all ghosts (e.g. survival mode), nil otherwise

components/worldreset.lua is pushing some events that could be used to detect resetting:

local isworldresetting = false
TheWorld:ListenForEvent("showworldreset", function() isworldresetting = true end)
TheWorld:ListenForEvent("hideworldreset", function() isworldresetting = false end)


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5 minutes ago, Mario384 said:

Well, it works, somewhat.  Even if there no alive players, the function still runs.  Also "survivial" is the proper term.

oh I understood it wrong, the playercount is the other way around

local function OnHaunt(inst, haunter)
    if math.random() <= TUNING.HAUNT_CHANCE_HALF and (pcount > 0 or gamemode ~= "survival") then

    haunter:DoTaskInTime(5, makespiderpossessed)

    return false

this should check if there is atleast 1 player or if its not survival

2 minutes ago, Muche said:


components/worldreset.lua is pushing some events that could be used to detect resetting:


local isworldresetting = false
TheWorld:ListenForEvent("showworldreset", function() isworldresetting = true end)
TheWorld:ListenForEvent("hideworldreset", function() isworldresetting = false end)


Yea I saw those listeners, but im not sure how you could do an action that checks if an event was pushed.

Edited by Aquaterion
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4 minutes ago, Aquaterion said:

Yea I saw those listeners, but im not sure how you could do an action that checks if an event was pushed.

I was thinking something like (together with listeners above):

local function OnHaunt(inst, haunter)
    if math.random() <= TUNING.HAUNT_CHANCE_HALF and not isworldresetting then
        haunter:DoTaskInTime(5, makespiderpossessed)
    return false


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9 minutes ago, Muche said:

I was thinking something like (together with listeners above):

local function OnHaunt(inst, haunter)
    if math.random() <= TUNING.HAUNT_CHANCE_HALF and not isworldresetting then
        haunter:DoTaskInTime(5, makespiderpossessed)
    return false


oh I see now I get it

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36 minutes ago, Mario384 said:

Neither solution works.  The first never activates, and the second crashes because isworldresetting is not declared.

his solution i believe you gotta put outside, as in not inside a function. as for mine, you sure u doing pcount correctly?

Edited by Aquaterion
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ok try putting it in the main fn like this:

inst.isworldresetting = false
TheWorld:ListenForEvent("showworldreset", function() inst.isworldresetting = true end)
TheWorld:ListenForEvent("hideworldreset", function() inst.isworldresetting = false end)

and change the isworldresetting in the onhaunt to inst.isworldresetting

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12 minutes ago, Aquaterion said:

ok try putting it in the main fn like this:

inst.isworldresetting = false
TheWorld:ListenForEvent("showworldreset", function() inst.isworldresetting = true end)
TheWorld:ListenForEvent("hideworldreset", function() inst.isworldresetting = false end)

and change the isworldresetting in the onhaunt to inst.isworldresetting

Just tried it, but it still runs the function even when then timer is running.

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5 minutes ago, Mario384 said:

Just tried it, but it still runs the function even when then timer is running.

yea doesnt seem like it works but I tried my version and it did work

local function OnHaunt(inst)
    if math.random() <= TUNING.HAUNT_CHANCE_HALF then
		local gamemode = TheNet:GetServerGameMode() --to get gamemode

		local pcount = 0
		for _,p in pairs(AllPlayers) do
			if not p:HasTag("playerghost") then -- to get amount of non ghost players
				pcount = pcount + 1
		if pcount > 0 or gamemode ~= "survival" then
			--if not resetting

this is the spider den's already existing OnHaunt, with the added code you wanted and it WORKED fine.

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8 minutes ago, Aquaterion said:

yea doesnt seem like it works but I tried my version and it did work

local function OnHaunt(inst)
    if math.random() <= TUNING.HAUNT_CHANCE_HALF then
		local gamemode = TheNet:GetServerGameMode() --to get gamemode

		local pcount = 0
		for _,p in pairs(AllPlayers) do
			if not p:HasTag("playerghost") then -- to get amount of non ghost players
				pcount = pcount + 1
		if pcount > 0 or gamemode ~= "survival" then
			--if not resetting

this is the spider den's already existing OnHaunt, with the added code you wanted and it WORKED fine.

Maybe it didn't work for me because I was using c_spawn ("wilson") to test it?  Does it have to be a real player?

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2 minutes ago, Mario384 said:

Maybe it didn't work for me because I was using c_spawn ("wilson") to test it?  Does it have to be a real player?

might be, I tested it by doing;

TheInput:GetWorldEntityUnderMouse().components.hauntable:DoHaunt(ThePlayer) on the spiderden, that way I was still alive, but still something haunted it

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45 minutes ago, Mario384 said:

Just tried it, but it still runs the function even when then timer is running.

Could you post your file? I just tried putting some debug prints into existing spiderden prefab and it worked fine.

local function OnHaunt(inst)
    print(string.format("[spiderden|OnHaunt] inst.isworldresetting=%s", tostring(inst.isworldresetting)))

in MakeSpiderDenFn:
        inst.isworldresetting = false
        TheWorld:ListenForEvent("showworldreset", function()
            inst.isworldresetting = true
        TheWorld:ListenForEvent("hideworldreset", function()
            inst.isworldresetting = false


[00:11:21]: [spiderden|showworldreset]	
[00:11:27]: [spiderden|OnHaunt] inst.isworldresetting=true	
[00:11:35]: [spiderden|OnHaunt] inst.isworldresetting=true	


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28 minutes ago, Aquaterion said:

u didn't change isworldresetting to inst.isworldresetting in the actually OnHaunt function like i told you to

Ah, that did it!  Thank you both very much for your help!

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