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Map zoon in/out step size


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I am going to take a screenshot of my map. However, using the mouse to zoom in so that the map of my island fills in the whole screen fails: the step is too large so that the island is either too small on the screen, or too big so it won't fit in the screen for a screenshot.

Ideally, I want to export the map as a vector graphics (SVG or PDF) or a raster (PNG) rendered at the highest possible resolution so that I could then crop out my island.

Either changing the source code to make the zoom in/out step size smaller, or using console to export map image as a file is fine. Anyone knows how?

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This sounds like a problem with your mouse configuration. I had this issue with my mouse as well with some driver update, the tiny motion of the mouse wheel would have massive effect. You may want to bind the map zoom to keys.

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5 hours ago, stl1234 said:

This sounds like a problem with your mouse configuration. I had this issue with my mouse as well with some driver update, the tiny motion of the mouse wheel would have massive effect. You may want to bind the map zoom to keys.

Tried binding keys on the keyboard; tried the trackpad instead of the mouse; tried setting the mouse wheel setting. None of this work to change the step size of the map zooming. I am positive that the step size is a hard coded value in the game LUA files.

Fiddling around in the source files, I actually located the spacing constant in file Contents/data/DLC0002/scripts/widgets/mapwidget.lua:

-- line 34
function MapWidget:OnZoomIn(  )
	if self.shown then
		self.minimap:Zoom( -1 )

function MapWidget:OnZoomOut( )
	if self.shown and self.minimap:GetZoom() < 20 then
		self.minimap:Zoom( 1 )
-- line 44

Changing the values 1 and -1 to 5 or -5 makes the step much more dramatic. However, changing those to smaller values such as -0.5, 0.5 completely disables zooming; the map is static/does not change in response to zoom in/out controls (mouse/key bindings etc.)

I think it might be due to how the minimap:Zoom() method is implemented; it only takes integers as inputs. However, I failed to find the definition of this :Zoom() method. Could this be part of some precompiled library that the game (lua) engine uses?

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