Could the Boat Lantern and Bottle Lantern be combined

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I'm not sure if someone has already brought this up yet or not, but I've been giving it a bit of thought since the Boat Lantern and Bottle Lantern are very similar. It seems that one could simply equip a Bottle Lantern in the front slot of a boat to replace the Boat Lantern (since it is basically just a bottle lantern hanging on the front of the ship). That way two items could be condensed into one item that can be carried in hand or attached to the boat depending on where and how you want to use it.

I don't know if they are separate items due to some kind of programming limitation or simplicity, and if they were to be combined, the crafting recipe (i.e. whether it uses fireflies or bioluminescence) would have to be resolved, but it doesn't seem too unreasonable in my opinion. Please let me know if I am massively overlooking something here :)

EDIT: to clarify, I meant combined 'in the programming of the game', not combined in the crafting menu as an additional step. As in, remove the Boat Lantern and simply allow the Bottle Lantern to be equipped on the boat.

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I feel like it would make sense that the hand held bottle lantern could be crafted into the boat lantern, similar to how the torch is crafted into the boat torch. The only real difference between the two is that you need bioluminescence (and twigs) to make a bottle lantern and fireflies to make a boat lantern... Which is odd considering you can only find fireflies on land and you need it for light on the sea, and you can only fine bioluminescence on the water but you need it for light on land. I suppose this is to encourage equal exploration of both land and sea, maybe it's just because there's not really any recipes that have a "this OR this" option, or maybe they only wanted bioluminescence on the ocean (it is so pretty among the coral after all) but still wanted to keep fireflies in the jungle. Either way not a big deal; probably just a crafting simplification.

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4 hours ago, ruthlace said:

I feel like it would make sense that the hand held bottle lantern could be crafted into the boat lantern, similar to how the torch is crafted into the boat torch. The only real difference between the two is that you need bioluminescence (and twigs) to make a bottle lantern and fireflies to make a boat lantern...

I added an edit to my original post to clarify my point a bit more. Basically my intent was to simplify things, and using one to craft the other would probably be an unnecessary crafting stage. As for the fireflies and bioluminescence, a decision would have to made about what light source the single item I'm proposing would use in the initial crafting.

5 hours ago, stl1234 said:

But why?

I added to my original post to clarify my intentions a bit, but I understand if you still consider it an odd suggestion.

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