One-way Seaworthy

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At the moment if you want to link two worlds you have to start with a SW world, find the Seaworthy, and link it with a RoG world.

But the other way around (starting with a RoG world, finding the Sea Worther, crafting the Seaworthy) just makes the game crash, apparently.

Will there be a way, later, to link the two worlds without having to start with a SW world but with a RoG one instead ?



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4 minutes ago, ImDaMisterL said:

I... thought that was already possible?

I don't think this crash should be happening at all, actually.

Could you please post it in the Shipwrecked Bug Tracker?

Thank you :)

This has already been reported many times if I'm not mistaken, but I just wanted to know if, when Shipwrecked will be out of Early Access, there will be way to link a RoG world to a SW save and not necessarily the opposite.

I'd like to start on a RoG world and then go to a SW world (without having to find the Seaworthy on the SW world first). 

Maybe some people managed to do so ? 

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