Sailing into fog

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Not sure if this has been addressed before and wasn't sure if it would be considered a bug but after you lose control sailing into the map edge, waves still affect you. It's been a few times now where i would accidentally sail into the map edge (because I'm trying to map it out) and have my boat damaged with waves that i have no way of dodging. I suppose its not a big deal but i would really appreciate it if my boat didn't get obliterated by something i have no control over.

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On 3/6/2016 at 6:28 AM, NoQuitting said:


Don't go into the fog unless the waves are travelling your direction otherwise prepare to pay the price.

First of all, I've only gone through the fog on purpose maybe twice total throughout multiple play through and what I said in my original post is that it happened on accident because i had gone a little too close and sometimes the wave boost pushes me into range.
Second, I don't believe the mentality of "just don't ever do it then unless you can suck it up and shut up" should apply here. When you enter the fog, you're at a standstill. So if a wave spawns behind you, it doesn't matter if you entered the fog in the direction of the waves, you will still get your boat damaged. If Klei made it so that you "kept sailing" while in the fog, then it should be completely fine even with waves. Or alternatively, just stop waves from spawning within the fog while you have no control.

It's one thing to die to something that you caused in one way or another (and please note i have never died to fog waves) but dying to waves that you can't dodge at all is silly and cheap. The price to pay is the sanity drop. And If, for example, the fog itself did a set amount of damage (because of "monsters" or whatever) then that's fine and I'll accept it because it's not just by chance. The waves in the fog doesn't always hit you, but when it does it feels cheap and that's the problem i have with it.

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On 6.03.2016 at 8:17 AM, Urfable said:

but after you lose control sailing into the map edge, waves still affect you.

Many times my ship was hit by the waves when in "freeze" state it journey into  - and - out of fog. This really should be fixed...

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