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I know this isn't a major issue or anything but I just thought I may as well bring it up. In the latest update they added the ability for coconuts to fall on your head when chopping down a tall tree. I love this idea and I think it adds a little bit to the game but I don't understand why it does 20 damage. A snake bite does 10, yet a coconut falling on your head does 20?

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3 minutes ago, NoQuitting said:

I understand your concern. Let's go outside and I will drop a coconut on your head from 80 feet up. Perhaps we should be able to have a hard hat of some sort to specifically protect us from coconut falls like the beekeeper hat but for coconuts.

Or if there was some sort of warning so we could quickly back up and dodge it, at which point the coconut would split open?

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5 hours ago, isolanni said:

Playing as Willow, I got bonked by coconuts so much that she lost half her health.  I hate to cut down immature trees,  but, right now, it's my only choice with weak characters.

Once you have a science machine you can build a log suit so the coconuts only do 4 damage. Same concept with cacti in ROG.

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I haven't had this happen to me yet.

I wish there was a way to just harvest the coconuts without cutting down the trees so that they'd grow back. Like hitting the tree with a hammer or shaking it. Same goes for the birchnut trees in RoG too, because I just find it annoying having to cut the trees down to get the food item from them. 

Shouldn't the nuts be falling to the ground of their own accord anyway? Maybe beach biomes could have rotting coconuts scattered around after a hurricane or something.

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