Release the Quacken (Spoilers)

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I tried out the new Quacken boss fight today.  Here are my thoughts -


First off, don't feel nervous going into the fight; while the Quacken's design may be intimidating, it's by far the easiest boss in the game.  I have zero skill when it comes to Don't Starve's combat system, but I can beat this fight without taking any damage.  Let's look at his attacks -

The actual Quacken will not attack you, besides spitting out some goo every once in a while.  These will create a puddle that slows you down a bit, but the size of this puddle is very small and the Quacken uses this attack very infrequently, so it's barely a factor.  Upon taking a bunch of damage, the Quacken will dive underwater, teleport somewhere nearby, and spawn a ton of tentacles around its radius.

These tentacles serve as obstacles for the player as they sail around looking for the Quacken.  They have two attacks - periodically creating a bunch of waves, and swiping at the player if they come close.  Pretty basic.  You can also kill them, but it's best not to bother; just dodge around them and go straight for the boss.


This fight is pretty simple; just keep hitting the Quacken until it teleports away, then sail through the horde of tentacles dodging waves until you find it.  Then, resume hitting it.  The Quacken will only teleport 3 - 4 times during the fight, so you can beat it pretty easily with just a spear and an armoured boat in case you take any damage (you probably won't)

However, while it is pretty easy, it can be fun at times.  Dodging around waves is kinda fun, and it does have some interesting mechanics.  However, the lack of challenge takes away from it a lot, making it somewhat boring at times.


Make the head more dangerous.  Perhaps allow it to use a melee attack, or let it move around a bit.  As is, it just sits there as you pummel it to death.

Make the Oil Spit a factor.  Maybe it shoots multiple bubbles at once, or does it more frequently, or increase the areas that slows you down.

Have it teleport more often.  Since this is its only form of movement, maybe let the head disappear and reappear somewhere on the screen every 6 - 10 seconds or so; then do the big relocation every 1/4th of its health.


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