Has Map Generation Been Changed?

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Is it just me or have the islands become bigger and the smaller more cluttered?

I've noticed many more multi-biomed islands with 3 or more large biomes, often connected via narrow land bridges and I can't recall them from when I first started playing SW. There's also been an influx of round boulders as well.

Has anyone else noticed this?

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Yeah, I've found a few of those. There's probably about 2 or 3 per world.

I've also notices more islands which haven't really decided which biome they're going to be, and, as others have mentioned, more gold.

Starting islands also seem to be getting more varied, and a but more forgiving than the old ones.

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I think that, kind of, yes, the map generation has changed a bit with a "Wilbur" update.

A bit fewer of the smaller land masses, more of single-biome round-shaped islands. Or maybe its just an impression.

There is also a number of hidden (not announced) changes that had happened, I guess.

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