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If someone has already mentioned a suggestion like/related to this, please do merge it.


Dolls! Something for the characters to hold onto at night to reduce sanity loss at night. I find it kind of cute to see Wilson holding some teddy bear or little stuffed scientist to help him not go crazy at night. Crafting perhaps from grass, silk, ropes, wood/logs and and the special item from each character (like an effigy or beard hair from wilson, or woodie using lucy, gears from WX, Wes's balloons, esc)


Yay or nay? Opinions are welcomed.

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Which ones do you mean? Player or Creature? :lol:




Well, my original post explained who would have a doll, if read correctly, and even within your hyperlink, it would be more than some aesthetically pleasing mod... something with a more legitimate use in game aside just looking nice.


Amusing, how your comment somewhat reminds me of a "theres a mod for that" bit, and yet some mods turned into actual mechanics used in the official gameplay by the devs, I do recall seeing the multiplayer function being at one point only a mod, so who knows if my more in-depth idea of someone elses mod becomes more than just that.

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