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need help with AddKeyDownHandler

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alrighty, so im working on my first character and i want to have a toggle-mode that is controlled by a key press (z by default). i've been repurposing alot of code from other mods and thats been going fine, but i was only able to find an example of using a key-press as a trigger from a DST mod, and the character im working on is for DS.


the character works fine when i comment out the following lines in the modmain:


GLOBAL.TheInput:AddKeyDownHandler(GetModConfigData("key_burned"), function() --triggered
    if character == "amonon" and GetPlayer().IsBurning==true then
        elseif character == "amonon" then


i can also just comment out the first and last lines thereof. so i at least know where the problem comes from. i think.


however, when i try to just run the whole thing, the game crashes on attempt to implement the mod, and i get this:



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sorry should've mentioned, i have a config that sets "key_burned" in the modinfo, which by all accounts appears to be running fine. but if there were a way to directly replace:




with just "Z" or 122 or something so that i could test it, that would be lovely. but i don't know exactly how, though i have tried.

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no dice

same exact crash message when using:








no error message, but nothing happens when z is pressed in-game:











good news everyone! the solution was to use GLOBAL.KEY_Z

unfortunately that means i cant use the config for the moment but ill cross that bridge when i give a damn.

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good news everyone! the solution was to use GLOBAL.KEY_Z

unfortunately that means i cant use the config for the moment but ill cross that bridge when i give a damn.


When getting mod configuration settings its good practice to create a local variable for setting usage with an 'or' statement because mod configuration settings could return 'nil'.

local key = GetModConfigData("key_burned") or GLOBAL.KEY_ZGLOBAL.TheInput:AddKeyDownHandler(key, function() --triggered    if character == "amonon" and GetPlayer().IsBurning==true then            NormalStats(inst)        elseif character == "amonon" then            TurnBurning(inst)        endend)
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