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Dedicated Server with Mods uses Default Settings of Mods

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No matter what way I change the settings of my Mods configurations they stay with the default settings. Why do they keep going with the default settings and not with the settings I gave them?


-----------------------Character Mods-------------------------------------return{-----------------------------Character mods With Configs----------------------------------------	--Tamamo(Config)["399799824"] ={	enabled = true,		   	configuration_options =	{		key = 122,	},},	--Plutia(Config)["472803272"] ={	enabled = true,		   	configuration_options =	{		key3 = 122,	},},	--Luffy["380079744"] ={	enabled = true,		   	configuration_options =	{		key2 = 122,	},},		--Broccoli	["493673961"] ={	enabled = true,		   	configuration_options =	{		key4 = 122,	},},		--Taronci	["505363635"] = 	{ enabled = true ,	configuration_options ={    {        name = "NightVision",        default = false,    },	},},	--------------------------Character Mods Without Configs-----------------------------------	--San(Princess Mononoke)	["531060374"] =	{	enabled = true	},		--One Piece Usopp!	["528613635"] =	{	enabled = true	},			--Madoka Kaname	["461627386"] = 	{	enabled = true	},			--Illya	["450498063"] =	{	enabled = true	},		 --(Dark)Sakura Matou	["384048428"] = 	{	enabled = true 	},		--Fire Fist Ace	["388109833"] =	{ 	enabled = true	},		 --Eira	["391470860"] = 	{	enabled = true 	},			--Sanji	["454781545"] = 	{ 	enabled = true	},		--Arcuied(Phantas moon)	["420284239"] = 	{ 	enabled = true	},		--Ryougi Shiki	["381295942"] = 	{	enabled = true 	},		--Saber	["376244443"] = 	{	enabled = true 	},		 --Saber Lion	["431003525"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		 --Kasen Ibaraki	["550193026"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		 -- Annie ===Silhcade edition===	["498729626"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Rin Tohsaka	["399803164"] = 	{ enabled = true 	},		--Trafalgar D. Water Law	["485291255"] = 	{ enabled = true 	},	--Pith the Pyromancer	["410614768"] = 	{ enabled = true 	},			 --Zoro	["409184357"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Mystery, The Mysterious Wanderer	["542388187"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Archer(Fate/Stay Night)	["544637010"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Sans	["559804807"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Mettaton	["550749408"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		 --Facet	["424150128"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},	---------------------------------------------Misc Mods---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Misc Mods With Config----------------------------------------------------------		--Welcome Message	-- ["407705132"] = 	-- { 	-- enabled = true, 		-- configuration_options = 	-- { 	-- title = "Welcome! Please Say Hi!", 	-- message = "This is a work-together server! We kindly ask to participate in our making of a grand base! If you do not cooperate we must kindly ask you to leave. Tolerating the lazy is thin in my server so please put this in consideration.", 	-- }, 	-- },		--Annoucement	["466739994"] =	{	enabled = true	},		--Storm Cellar	["382177939"] =	{	enabled = true,							configuration_options =	{	{		name = "eightxten",		default = "5x16",	},	},	},				--Deluxe Firepits		["444235588"] =		{		enabled = true,		configuration_options ={    {        name = "deluxeFirepitBurnRate",        default = 0.75,    },    {        name = "deluxeEndoFirepitBurnRate",        default = 0.75,    },    {        name = "iceStarBurnRate",        default = 0.9,    },    {        name = "heatStarBurnRate",        default = 0.9,    },    {        name = "recipeCost",        default = "standard",    },    {        name = "dropLoot",        default = "yes",    },    {        name = "endoDropLoot",        default = "yes",    },    {        name = "iceStarDropLoot",        default = "yes",    },    {        name = "heatStarDropLoot",        default = "yes",    },    {        name = "starsSpawnHounds",        default = "no",    },},},		--Global Position(config)	        ["378160973"] = { enabled = true,		configuration_options ={	{		name = "SHOWPLAYERSOPTIONS",		default = 2,	},	{		name = "SHOWPLAYERICONS",		default = true,	},	{		name = "FIREOPTIONS",		default = 1,	},	{		name = "SHOWFIREICONS",		default = true,	},	{		name = "SHAREMINIMAPPROGRESS",		default = false,	},	{		name = "OVERRIDEMODE",		default = false,	},},},	 -- Ice fling range check(Config) --Broken	-- ["412291722"] = { enabled = true,		-- configuration_options =-- {    -- {        -- name = "Time",        -- default = "default",    -- }	-- },-- },	--Infinite Siesta Hut uses(Config)	-- ["434859111"] = { enabled = true,		-- configuration_options =-- {    -- {        -- name = "using",        -- default = 10,    -- },-- },-- },	--     Infinite Tent(Config)	-- ["356930882"] = { enabled = true,		-- configuration_options =-- {    -- {        -- name = "uses",        -- default = 10,    -- },-- },-- },	--Pig Manners(Config) --Broken	-- ["365632677"] = { enabled = true,			-- configuration_options =-- {    -- {        -- name = "pig_manners",        -- default = true    -- },    -- {        -- name = "spider_manners",        -- default = false    -- },    -- {        -- name = "friendly_pigs",        -- default = true    -- },    -- {        -- name = "wanderer_pigs",        -- default = true    -- },-- },-- },    --Additional Set Pieces	["394470072"] = 	{ 		enabled = true,				configuration_options =		{			world_generation =			{				random_set_pieces =				{					amount = 15,				},				set_pieces =				{					seasonal = true,				},			},			set_piece =			{				beefalo_farm =				{					chance = 100,					count = 1,				},				koalefant_farm =				{					chance = 50,					count = 4,				},				calamity_camp =				{					chance = 33,					count = 1,				},				colourful_mushroom_farm =				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				conquering_pigs =				{					chance = 25,					count = 1,				},				healthy_resources = 				{					chance = 100,					count = 2,				},				mimic =				{					chance = 100,					count = 1,				},				seasonal_retaliation = 				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				example = 				{					chance = 1,					count = 1,				},				winter_revival =				{					chance = 1,					count = 1,				},				wealthy_graves =				{					chance = 100,					count = 1,				},				mushroom_ring_small = 				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				mushroom_ring_medium =				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				mushroom_ring_large =				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				fairy_rings =				{					enabled = true,				},				stone_henge =				{					enabled = true,				},				maxwell_merm_shrine =				{					chance = 1,					count = 1,				},				maxwell_pig_shrine =				{					chance = 1,					count = 1,				},				mactusk_city =				{					chance = 100,					count = 1,				},				mactusk_town =				{					chance = 18,					count = 1,				},				insane_flint =				{					chance = 38,					count = 1,				},				simple_base =				{					chance = 75,					count = 2,				},				ruined_base =				{					chance = 50,					count = 3,				},				pig_town =				{					chance = 100,					count = 1,				},				hound_rocks =				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				village_square =				{					chance = 18,					count = 1,				},			},		},	},			--Simple Protection(Config)    ["360823660"] =    {        enabled = true,			configuration_options ={    {        name = "starting_day",        default = 15,    },    {        name = "min_days",        default = 3,    },    {        name = "ghost_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "container_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "backpack_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "stewer_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "fire_spread_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "bushes_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "bushes_dig_protection",        default = "false",    },    {        name = "willow_love",        default = "true",    },},},	 --Afk Detection	["398858801"] = 	{	enabled = true,				configuration_options ={	{		name = "afk_time",		default = 120	},	{		name = "max_afk_time",		default = 0	},	{		name = "max_afk_action",		default = 1	},	{		name = "host_immunity",		default = true	},	{		name = "hunger_decrease",		default = false	},	{		name = "stop_death",		default = false	},},},	 --Glommer and Family	["545653509"] = 	{	enabled = true,	configuration_options ={    {        name = "rtype",        default = 1,    },	{        name = "gcap",        default = 7,    },	{        name = "speed",        default = 1/2,    },},},	--SUMMON BIGFOOT (With Old Bell)	["556027744"] =	{	enabled = true,	configuration_options = {	{		name = "Recipe",		default = "Statue",	},},},  	-- Working Body Heat	["561144780"] = 	{ 	enabled = true,configuration_options = {	{		name    = "heat",		default = .25,	},	{		name    = "food",		default = -.25,	},	{		name    = "rog",		default = true,	},},},	-- Seasonal Starter items	["519266302"] = 	{ 	enabled = true,	configuration_options ={	{		name = "is_season_items",		default = 1,	},	{		name = "food_give",		default = 0,	},	{		name = "num_goldnugget",		default = 0,	},	{		name = "num_flint",		default = 0,	},	{		name = "num_rocks",		default = 0,	},	{		name = "num_log",		default = 10,	},	{		name = "num_cutgrass",		default = 20,	},	{		name = "num_twigs",		default = 0,	},},	},	-- Vasa Mundus Together	-- ["542294247"] = 	-- { 	-- enabled = true,	-- configuration_options =-- {	-- {		-- name    = "spooky",		-- default = true,	-- },-- },-- },---------------------------------------------------------------Misc Mods Without Config----------------------------------------------------	--Birds and Berries and Trees and Flowers for Friends	-- ["522117250"] =	-- {	-- enabled = true	-- },  			-- Krampusnacht	["435988740"] = 	{ 	enabled = true	},						--Annoucement	["466739994"] =	{	enabled = true	},			--Damage Indicator	["543945797"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Command Seal(Rin and Archer)	["544825274"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Potted Plants	["544168255"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Craftable Gears(Ysovuka)	["478005098"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Can't Live Together Forever	["507638475"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Craftable Blueprints	["546822906"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Default's Item Pack	["436897772"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Additional Dresswear	["547602407"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Burnable Blueprints	["546557087"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Don't Starve Dolls(Standalone)	["554999204"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},					--Party Dance	["437521942"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	}	}


Anything wrong with it? Everything works fine, it just uses default settings.

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In my modoverrides I have seasonal starter items to only give me specific items on first spawn.

When I start my game though I keep getting 20 of every starter item. (Which Is default settings)



Dunno if my configurations are wrong or if it's the mods problem.

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try like that:

    -- Seasonal Starter items    ["519266302"] =     {     enabled = true,     configuration_options ={    {        name = "is_season_items",        default = "1",    },    {        name = "food_give",        default = "0",    },    {        name = "num_goldnugget",        default = "0",    },    {        name = "num_flint",        default = "0",    },    {        name = "num_rocks",        default = "0",    },    {        name = "num_log",        default = "10",    },    {        name = "num_cutgrass",        default = "20",    },    {        name = "num_twigs",        default = "0",    },},     
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@ToNiO55, Thank you but that did not work for me. I still get 20 of everything. Maybe I did something wrong?


Perhaps it's a mod conflict? Anyway here's all the files so you can check if i did anything wrong:



-----------------------Character Mods-------------------------------------return{-----------------------------Character mods With Configs----------------------------------------	--Tamamo(Config)["399799824"] ={	enabled = true,		   	configuration_options =	{		key = 122,	},},	--Plutia(Config)["472803272"] ={	enabled = true,		   	configuration_options =	{		key3 = 122,	},},	--Luffy["380079744"] ={	enabled = true,		   	configuration_options =	{		key2 = 122,	},},		--Broccoli	["493673961"] ={	enabled = true,		   	configuration_options =	{		key4 = 122,	},},		--Taronci	["505363635"] = 	{ enabled = true ,	configuration_options ={    {        name = "NightVision",        default = false,    },	},},	--------------------------Character Mods Without Configs-----------------------------------	--San(Princess Mononoke)	["531060374"] =	{	enabled = true	},		--One Piece Usopp!	["528613635"] =	{	enabled = true	},			--Madoka Kaname	["461627386"] = 	{	enabled = true	},			--Illya	["450498063"] =	{	enabled = true	},		 --(Dark)Sakura Matou	["384048428"] = 	{	enabled = true 	},		--Fire Fist Ace	["388109833"] =	{ 	enabled = true	},		 --Eira	["391470860"] = 	{	enabled = true 	},			--Sanji	["454781545"] = 	{ 	enabled = true	},		--Arcuied(Phantas moon)	["420284239"] = 	{ 	enabled = true	},		--Ryougi Shiki	["381295942"] = 	{	enabled = true 	},		--Saber	["376244443"] = 	{	enabled = true 	},		 --Saber Lion	["431003525"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		 --Kasen Ibaraki	["550193026"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		 -- Annie ===Silhcade edition===	["498729626"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Rin Tohsaka	["399803164"] = 	{ enabled = true 	},		--Trafalgar D. Water Law	["485291255"] = 	{ enabled = true 	},	--Pith the Pyromancer	["410614768"] = 	{ enabled = true 	},			 --Zoro	["409184357"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Mystery, The Mysterious Wanderer	["542388187"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Archer(Fate/Stay Night)	["544637010"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Sans	["559804807"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Mettaton	["550749408"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		 --Facet	["424150128"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},	---------------------------------------------Misc Mods---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Misc Mods With Config----------------------------------------------------------		--Welcome Message	-- ["407705132"] = 	-- { 	-- enabled = true, 		-- configuration_options = 	-- { 	-- title = "Welcome! Please Say Hi!", 	-- message = "This is a work-together server! We kindly ask to participate in our making of a grand base! If you do not cooperate we must kindly ask you to leave. Tolerating the lazy is thin in my server so please put this in consideration.", 	-- }, 	-- },		--Annoucement	["466739994"] =	{	enabled = true	},		--Storm Cellar	["382177939"] =	{	enabled = true,							configuration_options =	{	{		name = "eightxten",		default = "5x16",	},	},	},				--Deluxe Firepits		["444235588"] =		{		enabled = true,		configuration_options ={    {        name = "deluxeFirepitBurnRate",        default = 0.75,    },    {        name = "deluxeEndoFirepitBurnRate",        default = 0.75,    },    {        name = "iceStarBurnRate",        default = 0.9,    },    {        name = "heatStarBurnRate",        default = 0.9,    },    {        name = "recipeCost",        default = "standard",    },    {        name = "dropLoot",        default = "yes",    },    {        name = "endoDropLoot",        default = "yes",    },    {        name = "iceStarDropLoot",        default = "yes",    },    {        name = "heatStarDropLoot",        default = "yes",    },    {        name = "starsSpawnHounds",        default = "no",    },},},		--Global Position(config)	        ["378160973"] = { enabled = true,		configuration_options ={	{		name = "SHOWPLAYERSOPTIONS",		default = 2,	},	{		name = "SHOWPLAYERICONS",		default = true,	},	{		name = "FIREOPTIONS",		default = 1,	},	{		name = "SHOWFIREICONS",		default = true,	},	{		name = "SHAREMINIMAPPROGRESS",		default = false,	},	{		name = "OVERRIDEMODE",		default = false,	},},},	 -- Ice fling range check(Config) --Broken	-- ["412291722"] = { enabled = true,		-- configuration_options =-- {    -- {        -- name = "Time",        -- default = "default",    -- }	-- },-- },	--Infinite Siesta Hut uses(Config)	-- ["434859111"] = { enabled = true,		-- configuration_options =-- {    -- {        -- name = "using",        -- default = 10,    -- },-- },-- },	--     Infinite Tent(Config)	-- ["356930882"] = { enabled = true,		-- configuration_options =-- {    -- {        -- name = "uses",        -- default = 10,    -- },-- },-- },	--Pig Manners(Config) --Broken	-- ["365632677"] = { enabled = true,			-- configuration_options =-- {    -- {        -- name = "pig_manners",        -- default = true    -- },    -- {        -- name = "spider_manners",        -- default = false    -- },    -- {        -- name = "friendly_pigs",        -- default = true    -- },    -- {        -- name = "wanderer_pigs",        -- default = true    -- },-- },-- },    --Additional Set Pieces	["394470072"] = 	{ 		enabled = true,				configuration_options =		{			world_generation =			{				random_set_pieces =				{					amount = 15,				},				set_pieces =				{					seasonal = true,				},			},			set_piece =			{				beefalo_farm =				{					chance = 100,					count = 1,				},				koalefant_farm =				{					chance = 50,					count = 4,				},				calamity_camp =				{					chance = 33,					count = 1,				},				colourful_mushroom_farm =				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				conquering_pigs =				{					chance = 25,					count = 1,				},				healthy_resources = 				{					chance = 100,					count = 2,				},				mimic =				{					chance = 100,					count = 1,				},				seasonal_retaliation = 				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				example = 				{					chance = 1,					count = 1,				},				winter_revival =				{					chance = 1,					count = 1,				},				wealthy_graves =				{					chance = 100,					count = 1,				},				mushroom_ring_small = 				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				mushroom_ring_medium =				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				mushroom_ring_large =				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				fairy_rings =				{					enabled = true,				},				stone_henge =				{					enabled = true,				},				maxwell_merm_shrine =				{					chance = 1,					count = 1,				},				maxwell_pig_shrine =				{					chance = 1,					count = 1,				},				mactusk_city =				{					chance = 100,					count = 1,				},				mactusk_town =				{					chance = 18,					count = 1,				},				insane_flint =				{					chance = 38,					count = 1,				},				simple_base =				{					chance = 75,					count = 2,				},				ruined_base =				{					chance = 50,					count = 3,				},				pig_town =				{					chance = 100,					count = 1,				},				hound_rocks =				{					chance = 50,					count = 1,				},				village_square =				{					chance = 18,					count = 1,				},			},		},	},			--Simple Protection(Config)    ["360823660"] =    {        enabled = true,			configuration_options ={    {        name = "starting_day",        default = 15,    },    {        name = "min_days",        default = 3,    },    {        name = "ghost_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "container_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "backpack_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "stewer_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "fire_spread_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "bushes_protection",        default = "true",    },    {        name = "bushes_dig_protection",        default = "false",    },    {        name = "willow_love",        default = "true",    },},},	 --Afk Detection	["398858801"] = 	{	enabled = true,				configuration_options ={	{		name = "afk_time",		default = 120	},	{		name = "max_afk_time",		default = 0	},	{		name = "max_afk_action",		default = 1	},	{		name = "host_immunity",		default = true	},	{		name = "hunger_decrease",		default = false	},	{		name = "stop_death",		default = false	},},},	 --Glommer and Family	["545653509"] = 	{	enabled = true,	configuration_options ={    {        name = "rtype",        default = 1,    },	{        name = "gcap",        default = 7,    },	{        name = "speed",        default = 1/2,    },},},	--SUMMON BIGFOOT (With Old Bell)	["556027744"] =	{	enabled = true,	configuration_options = {	{		name = "Recipe",		default = "Statue",	},},},  	-- Working Body Heat	["561144780"] = 	{ 	enabled = true,configuration_options = {	{		name    = "heat",		default = .25,	},	{		name    = "food",		default = -.25,	},	{		name    = "rog",		default = true,	},},},    -- Seasonal Starter items    ["519266302"] =     {     enabled = true,      configuration_options ={    {        name = "is_season_items",        default = "1",    },    {        name = "food_give",        default = "0",    },    {        name = "num_goldnugget",        default = "0",    },    {        name = "num_flint",        default = "0",    },    {        name = "num_rocks",        default = "0",    },    {        name = "num_log",        default = "10",    },    {        name = "num_cutgrass",        default = "20",    },    {        name = "num_twigs",        default = "0",    },},},	-- Vasa Mundus Together	-- ["542294247"] = 	-- { 	-- enabled = true,	-- configuration_options =-- {	-- {		-- name    = "spooky",		-- default = true,	-- },-- },-- },---------------------------------------------------------------Misc Mods Without Config----------------------------------------------------	--Birds and Berries and Trees and Flowers for Friends	-- ["522117250"] =	-- {	-- enabled = true	-- },  			-- Krampusnacht	["435988740"] = 	{ 	enabled = true	},						--Annoucement	["466739994"] =	{	enabled = true	},			--Damage Indicator	["543945797"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Command Seal(Rin and Archer)	["544825274"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Potted Plants	["544168255"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Craftable Gears(Ysovuka)	["478005098"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Can't Live Together Forever	["507638475"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Craftable Blueprints	["546822906"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Default's Item Pack	["436897772"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Additional Dresswear	["547602407"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Burnable Blueprints	["546557087"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},		--Don't Starve Dolls(Standalone)	["554999204"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	},					--Party Dance	["437521942"] = 	{ 	enabled = true 	}	}


Thank you for helping though!


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@DarkXero, Thank you! Is this now the new way to properly format your mod configurations in the overrides?


I thought changing the default would change it? Why did you change it using the names instead?


Why I'm asking is because the way I formatted it(Original Post)they used to work as intended. But I'm guessing an update or two ago they altered it differently? So I have to format it this way now for my mods to stop using the default option?



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Is this now the new way to properly format your mod configurations in the overrides?


I always did it like that. I recall that was how it was introduced in an example.


As for why now it doesn't work, try

    -- Seasonal Starter items    ["519266302"] =     {     enabled = true,       configuration_options ={    {        name = "is_season_items",        default = 1,    },    {        name = "food_give",        default = 0,    },    {        name = "num_goldnugget",        default = 0,    },    {        name = "num_flint",        default = 0,    },    {        name = "num_rocks",        default = 0,    },    {        name = "num_log",        default = 10,    },    {        name = "num_cutgrass",        default = 20,    },    {        name = "num_twigs",        default = 0,    },},},

removing the " " from the data values, as 10=="10" equals false.

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