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The Land of the Jelly Creatures!

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I had a dream about Don't Starve (I have a life) back in the summer. Some 5 months later, I have remembered it. In the dream, I was playing as Maxwell, and walking through a biome with bright green grass (it might have been turquoise, actually) and weird brightly-colored bulbous plants. It looked kind of like Felucia from Star Wars. The biome was populated by blobby jelly creatures, made up of layered bright colors. Here is a very poor representation of one. Imagine it decent-looking and in the DS art style.


These creatures would mostly stand still, but they would sort of lurch at you to attack. When they did so, their eyes and mouths opened, sort of like the slipstor. I don't recall any use for the weird plants, but I think the jelly creatures had a drop that was used for some kind of jello dish in the crock pot. I think this would fit in well with the game, maybe along with some other really weird biomes. It might be interesting if the various strange biomes spawned in a cluster known as the Weirdlands. People could set out on a great journey with their friends to find them. Imagine trekking through the mysterious biomes and having a Jelly Creature jump out at your party! We could have a land of scuttling rock-crab things or a creepy shadowy land of disproportionately tall and skinny enderman-esque beings. They would all have some weird and wild drop that could be used for some new item, but it would be more about the exploration. At the center or farthest out point of the Weirdlands, there would be some kind of ultimate Weirdness beast with some awesome drop. The most solid idea I have is the Felucia-esque biome from the beginning, so sorry if this isn't super fleshed-out. I would like to see strange versions of the normal plants and animals appear in the weird biomes. Maybe you could get blue grass and make an endothermic torch? I don't know. I could see the Jelly biome as the homeland of lureplants. I can already imagine the update poster. Wilson would be standing on a hill overlooking a new biome, and it would say "WELCOME TO THE WEIRDLANDS!" at the top. What do you guys think? Is there any substance to these ramblings?

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Back in DS beta, (not DST) I did tabletop roleplay of DS if it had multiplayer, and if there was lots of people on servers. (like an MMO)


Heh, Who would have guessed even with these guys:  :nomultipl:

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