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Code Help with a New Character


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Hi folks!  I was wondering if I could get some help with a few coding issues i'm having with a character mod.

I've got the mod up and running, looks great, works without many hiccups, but there's a few extra touches i'm wanting to add and i don't quite know how to go about it.


First off i'm completely stumped by the code to add in a custom minimap icon.  I've copied down some code from the forums, but it only served to make my character invisible on the minimap rather than showing their pretty face to the world.

Secondly, i'm wondering if anyone can give me some advice on how to go about making a follower for this character.  Ideally, this mob would be able to do the following.
*provide a warmth/sanity boost aura when sleeping, like the pigmen.

*spook when the character stands too close

*attack nearly everything (except pigs and the player and various inanimate objects)

*follow a unique item in the player's possession and respawn on its location if dead for a certain amount of time.

I'm looking for advice on where to start, what code to look at, etc, as i've never made my own follower and all the examples i've found have crashed the game


Any kind of help would be fantastic!

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For Minimap:

    inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon( "treasure_chest.png" )


The image name can be changed. Make sure to declare custom images as minimap icons in modmain.lua! (you can see other mods for reference)

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Just analyze the code from Chester and Pigmen! If you understand how they work, you should easily be able to code your own follower.


As for the Minimap issue, check this out.


You can find quite a lot of tutorials, guides, and samples here, including the one at the preceding link.

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