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[BETA] Wladislaus The Undying


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Behold Wladislaus the Undying !


He is a mighty vampire who has been tricked by Maxwell.

His stats are : 

125 Health

200 Sanity

150 Hunger



Now, to the special abilities :

He is more comfortable at night than at dight, so he will gain sanity when it's dark, and lose some in daylight.

He gets hot very quickly because of his fragile skin.

He needs blood to fill his hunger, so he is carnivore, and can eat monster meat.

He can tame bats to help him fight or chop trees.

When his life drops below 35, he transforms into a big bat, dropping his inventory.

Being in bat form, he is granted nightvision, and is immune to sanity/wetness/hunger/health, but bloodlust comes in. The bloodlust will drain in time, and can only be filled by killing things, or eating meat on the ground, or living insects. If the bloodlust meter is filled , he will fall asleep and wake up as a vampire the next morning.The more things you will have killed while in bat form, the more stats you will have when you wake up.

If you fail and the bloodlust meter drops down to 0, it's game over for you!


Here are some in-game screenshots :


Here is the mod link : http://forums.kleientertainment.com/files/file/1307-wladislaus-the-undying/

Here is the workshop link otherwise : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=515817535


I hope you enjoy it, please tell me if you think it is not balanced and which stats i should change.

I may add some more to the character in time, but I'm not sure how/when yet. Here is what could be available in the future :

-Replace "Gnaw" with "Bite" when in bat form.

-Custom color hud when in bat form. 

-Bite pigs to restore hunger. Biting pigs may transform them into werepigs.

-No sleep in tents/siesta lean to, but custom coffin to sleep in during the day.

-Port to DST.

-Adding craftable bat nests.


Changelog : 

  • Fixed foosteps crash when entering batform while running.
  • Fixed nightvision bug, increased bloodlust gain a bit.
  • Fixed sanity loss/gain during day and dusk.
  • 1.0.1: Added Smoke cloud when transforming into a bat.
  • 1.0 : Base version.


Thanks to everyone who has helped me to get this character done and to the many resources available on the forums here !

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This maybe should not be posted here, but maybe the following helps with some outstanding perks:

Maxwell's cloud smoke is a fx prefab called "maxwell_smoke". You can set its position using "Transform" after spawning it.


Take a look at the event "onattackother" in the combat component. The player prefab fires it whenever hitting something, and I think the data table links to the attacked prefab too.

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I have a really odd problem now, I'm trying to get my character to be able to be resurrected, which works, but now when I am resurrected , when I move around the world gets bigger and bigger until i can't see anything (the camera gets below the ground). I can even walk on water because of this. I don't know how to fix this. I'm uploading the mod file for anyone who wishes to try and see that.

I've noticed that my character's y position changes : it should be 0 or -0, but whenever I run around, it drops. I need to see why and how to prevent that. Could be coming from locomotor probably, but I don't know where it would get a negative destination like that.


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I managed to kinda duct tape the problem, it is playable but not very pretty.

Here's what I do to get it to be "normal" : 


inst:DoPeriodicTask(0.00001,function() local x, y, z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()if(y<0) theninst.Transform:SetPosition(x,0,z)endend)
Although this works, it looks very bad, the character doing some micro jumps when he stops for about 2-3 secs until he stops going into the ground, also it sometimes decreases the run speed...
I tried to make several things like locomotor:Stop() or reset() but it doesn't work. It is not linked with locomotor's path either, as this still happens for a few secs after stopping.
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Well, I didn't do that, I've never seen it before so I thought it was just re-enabling itself ?


EDIT :How would I do that? I tried inst .Physics:Enable() and inst.Physics:Start() but those aren't correct functions. When I set my character to SetDebugEntity I see that whenever I resurrect there is indeed a change in the physics. Before resurrecting, it indicates "physics : mask : 128,64" but then it just shows "physics:mask:".

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Still having that problem, also I noticed that when I enter batform because of heat/hunger/cold the consequential screen edges won't disappear after the effect is gone. It results in the bloodover/iceover/heatover to stay when in batform, and then even when back to normal form. Those screen edges disappear only hen they are re-triggered and turned off.

So I'd like to turn it off when transforming but I couldn't do it, either way it was disabling the screen edges forever or not at all.


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I tried changing stats before the transform, but this didn't do the trick. I tried calling it but wasn't sure it was really doing so. Either case it was just crashing because it didn't recognize bloodover, or it just didn't change anything.
Also, could you tell me how you re enable the physics? I've been looking for this all over the forums and in the data folders but it's nowhere to be found.

Thanks a lot for helping me through this, by the way, it's a real struggle right now and I don't know anyore where to look at.

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