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Worldgen Settings not working properly?

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Hello there!

I'm not quite sure if this thread is at the right place here but I couldn't find any kind of technichal support and can't post into the Bug Tracker.


I have played  DST with my friends recently and we tend to modify the worldgen quite a bit.
So we disabled Treeguards and Smoldering but after time playing we found three (!) Treeguards roaming around and the smoldering seemed to be on too (at least things started smoking when a huge fire was set nearby. Was spring still and we didn't get into summer to confirm this).


On another note:
We had Merms randomly wandering the place, where no houses or a swamp were close to. Like right in the middle of a savannah-biom for example. Not quite sure if this is a bug or should be like that.
Never encountered them like this before (neither on DST nor the regular DS).

Maybe someone knows what the problem might be?

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The Treeguards are most likely from their set piece. The smouldering is a bit strange, however the world gen setting may only apply to natural "Summer Smouldering" and not smouldering caused by player made fires. (Not sure but seems the most likely cause) The merms could have also been from a set piece that spawns with either one merm house or one pig house and few merms/pigs for the house owner to fight.


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Treeguards roaming around

There are Tree Guard set pieces...


smoldering seemed to be on too (at least things started smoking when a huge fire was set nearby. Was spring still and we didn't get into summer to confirm this).

Fire Propagation was changed in that things near a burning object need to smolder a bit before they catch fire so you can have enough time to put them out with ice, ice staff, or just your bare hands (which you take small fire damage from)


We had Merms randomly wandering the place, where no houses or a swamp were close to. Like right in the middle of a savannah-biom for example.

They've been here for a long time and come in variants.

  • A group of 4 pigs vs 4 merms
  • 4 merms surrounding a pig house
  • 4 pigs surrounding a merm house

I have a personal liking to this set piece :3

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Yup checked it out and you're right. It indeed were the setpieces.
I had no idea those weren't changed by worldgen settings.
Also I have never ever befor seen that setpiece of the homeless merms.

Therefor I had no idea that was a thing.

Sorry for blowing the horns for no reason.

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