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Dissapearing Abigale

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Twice in the last week, I've been walking along with my pet ghost (Abigale) following me, but I end up outrunning her (Not using walking stick).  I'm assuming she started a fight with a tentacle or something, but when I back-traced my exact path, I cannot find a ghost, or a flower.  I have to re-start a new game at that point.  This has happened to both me, and my wife on her computer.  Used to be if there was a cave, you could just dive down and up again to get the flower back, but no caves, no flower.


Any suggestions?



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If you're on a Road and/or using a Walking Cane friendly mobs like Abigail, Chester & Glommer cannot keep up. Abigail will also sometimes stop to target something but will cease fighting if Wendy moves far enough away from Abigail at which point she will attempt to catch up to Wendy. 


If somehow you do lose one of these friendly mobs you can use a wormhole and they will be teleported to you. Additionally in DST Wendy can craft Abigail's Flower in the Magic Tab. Due to this a common practice between Wendy players is to make a Chest full on Bloomed Abigail Flowers so that when Abigail does die they have 9 more Flowers already Bloomed and ready to be summoned.

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still multiple flowers will never bloom if Abigail is already summoned and somehow stopped following you and wandered away, I have encountered this once where both Wendy in the server lost the ability to summon Abigail, only to fund Abigail wandering around on the other side of the map later, have to kill her and resummon to fix the bug.

If you're on a Road and/or using a Walking Cane friendly mobs like Abigail, Chester & Glommer cannot keep up. Abigail will also sometimes stop to target something but will cease fighting if Wendy moves far enough away from Abigail at which point she will attempt to catch up to Wendy. 


If somehow you do lose one of these friendly mobs you can use a wormhole and they will be teleported to you. Additionally in DST Wendy can craft Abigail's Flower in the Magic Tab. Due to this a common practice between Wendy players is to make a Chest full on Bloomed Abigail Flowers so that when Abigail does die they have 9 more Flowers already Bloomed and ready to be summoned.


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