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I found this code in the consolecommands.lua

-- Show server announcements:-- To send a one time announcement:   c_announce(msg)-- To repeat a periodic announcement: c_announce(msg, interval)-- To cancel a periodic announcement: c_announce()function c_announce(msg, interval)    if msg == nil then        if TheWorld.__announcementtask ~= nil then            TheWorld.__announcementtask:Cancel()            TheWorld.__announcementtask = nil        end    elseif interval == nil then        TheNet:Announce(msg)    else        if TheWorld.__announcementtask ~= nil then            TheWorld.__announcementtask:Cancel()        end        TheWorld.__announcementtask = TheWorld:DoPeriodicTask(interval, function() TheNet:Announce(msg) end, 0)    endendlocal function doreset()    StartNextInstance({        reset_action = RESET_ACTION.LOAD_SLOT,        save_slot = SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentSaveSlot()    })end

So i thought it would be cool to make a mod to set up server announcements with a one time set up. I can't figure out how to get it to work though. I tried so many things.


All I can come up with is a mod with a command lua to do all the announcements you want in one command. but that isn't the kind of automation I want.

Edited by afetogbo
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so I gave up on that project for now and got to work on my pigqueen. if you can offer anyway of improving this code i would thank you.

local function ontradeforgold(inst, item)    inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/pig/PigKingThrowGold")        for k = 1, item.components.tradable.goldvalue do	    math.randomseed(os.time())		math.random()		local gem_qual = math.random(1000)		local count_gem = item.components.tradable.goldvalue		if gem_qual >= 901 then            local nug = SpawnPrefab("orangegem", item.components.tradable.goldvalue)            local pt = Vector3(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()) + Vector3(0, 4.5, 0)            nug.Transform:SetPosition(pt:Get())            local down = TheCamera:GetDownVec()            local angle = math.atan2(down.z, down.x) + (math.random() * 60 - 30) * DEGREES            local sp = math.random() * 4 + 2            nug.Physics:SetVel(sp * math.cos(angle), math.random() * 2 + 8, sp * math.sin(angle))		elseif gem_qual >= 801 and gem_qual <= 900 then            local nug = SpawnPrefab("yellowgem", item.components.tradable.goldvalue)            local pt = Vector3(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()) + Vector3(0, 4.5, 0)            nug.Transform:SetPosition(pt:Get())            local down = TheCamera:GetDownVec()            local angle = math.atan2(down.z, down.x) + (math.random() * 60 - 30) * DEGREES            local sp = math.random() * 4 + 2            nug.Physics:SetVel(sp * math.cos(angle), math.random() * 2 + 8, sp * math.sin(angle))		elseif gem_qual >= 651 and gem_qual <= 800 then            local nug = SpawnPrefab("greengem", item.components.tradable.goldvalue)            local pt = Vector3(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()) + Vector3(0, 4.5, 0)            nug.Transform:SetPosition(pt:Get())            local down = TheCamera:GetDownVec()            local angle = math.atan2(down.z, down.x) + (math.random() * 60 - 30) * DEGREES            local sp = math.random() * 4 + 2            nug.Physics:SetVel(sp * math.cos(angle), math.random() * 2 + 8, sp * math.sin(angle))		elseif gem_qual >= 501 and gem_qual <= 650 then            local nug = SpawnPrefab("purplegem", item.components.tradable.goldvalue)            local pt = Vector3(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()) + Vector3(0, 4.5, 0)            nug.Transform:SetPosition(pt:Get())            local down = TheCamera:GetDownVec()            local angle = math.atan2(down.z, down.x) + (math.random() * 60 - 30) * DEGREES            local sp = math.random() * 4 + 2            nug.Physics:SetVel(sp * math.cos(angle), math.random() * 2 + 8, sp * math.sin(angle))		elseif gem_qual >= 301 and gem_qual <= 500 then            local nug = SpawnPrefab("redgem", item.components.tradable.goldvalue)            local pt = Vector3(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()) + Vector3(0, 4.5, 0)            nug.Transform:SetPosition(pt:Get())            local down = TheCamera:GetDownVec()            local angle = math.atan2(down.z, down.x) + (math.random() * 60 - 30) * DEGREES            local sp = math.random() * 4 + 2            nug.Physics:SetVel(sp * math.cos(angle), math.random() * 2 + 8, sp * math.sin(angle))		elseif gem_qual >= 51 and gem_qual <= 300 then            local nug = SpawnPrefab("bluegem", item.components.tradable.goldvalue)            local pt = Vector3(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()) + Vector3(0, 4.5, 0)            nug.Transform:SetPosition(pt:Get())            local down = TheCamera:GetDownVec()            local angle = math.atan2(down.z, down.x) + (math.random() * 60 - 30) * DEGREES            local sp = math.random() * 4 + 2            nug.Physics:SetVel(sp * math.cos(angle), math.random() * 2 + 8, sp * math.sin(angle))		else            local nug = SpawnPrefab("orangegem", item.components.tradable.goldvalue)            local pt = Vector3(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()) + Vector3(0, 4.5, 0)            nug.Transform:SetPosition(pt:Get())            local down = TheCamera:GetDownVec()            local angle = math.atan2(down.z, down.x) + (math.random() * 60 - 30) * DEGREES            local sp = math.random() * 4 + 2            nug.Physics:SetVel(sp * math.cos(angle), math.random() * 2 + 8, sp * math.sin(angle))		end    endend

it does what it needs to do however it throws all the gems in the same stack instead of spreading it out like gold. i spent many hours trying to figure out a way to get it to spray the stack but just don't know lua well enough.

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@afetogbo, This appears to do the trick for announcements being saved and reloaded.


AddPrefabPostInit("world_network", function()	local TheWorld = GLOBAL.TheWorld	if not TheWorld.ismastersim then return end	TheWorld.net:AddComponent("announcementtracker")	local old_c_announce = GLOBAL.c_announce	GLOBAL.c_announce = function(msg, interval)		old_c_announce(msg, interval)		TheWorld.net.components.announcementtracker:Register(msg, interval)	endend)


local AnnouncementTracker = Class(function(self, inst)	self.inst = inst	self.announcement = {}end)function AnnouncementTracker:Register(message, interval)	if message == nil then		self:Cancel()	elseif interval ~= nil then		self.announcement.message = message		self.announcement.interval = interval	endendfunction AnnouncementTracker:Cancel()	self.announcement = {}endfunction AnnouncementTracker:OnSave()	return	{		message = self.announcement.message,		interval = self.announcement.interval,	}endfunction AnnouncementTracker:OnLoad(data)	self.announcement.message = data.message	self.announcement.interval = data.interval	c_announce(self.announcement.message, self.announcement.interval)endreturn AnnouncementTracker 


As for your pigqueen, you're repeating a lot of code that you don't need to repeat:

local function ontradeforgold(inst, item)    inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/pig/PigKingThrowGold")         for i = 1, item.components.tradable.goldvalue do        local gem_qual = math.random(1000)		local prefab = "orangegem"        if gem_qual > 900 then		prefab = "orangegem"        elseif gem_qual > 800 then prefab = "yellowgem"        elseif gem_qual > 650 then prefab = "greengem"        elseif gem_qual > 500 then prefab = "purplegem"        elseif gem_qual > 300 then prefab = "redgem"        elseif gem_qual > 50 then	prefab = "bluegem"        end		local nug = SpawnPrefab(prefab)		local pt = Vector3(inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()) + Vector3(0, 4.5, 0)		nug.Transform:SetPosition(pt:Get())		local down = TheCamera:GetDownVec()		local angle = math.atan2(down.z, down.x) + (math.random() * 60 - 30) * DEGREES		local sp = math.random() * 4 + 2		nug.Physics:SetVel(sp * math.cos(angle), math.random() * 2 + 8, sp * math.sin(angle))   endend
Edited by rezecib
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the announcement thing is cool you should post that mod.


the pig queen thing.


I put math.randomseed(os.time()) because without it mathrandom will always have the same results. granted it is only on sever restart but still. I wanted it to get a new seed every time. I also added the math.random() before the 1000 because the first random seems to be around the same with each tick of the seed. so like 270 next tick 271 next tick 272. With the math.random above it then it is less predictable.

With that wouldn't it be a blue gem if the number is bigger then 51 That is why i put an upper bound on it.


I tried something similar to that and it kept saying prefab was not declared. I think I know what i did wrong.


just tested and it works fine.

still throws everything out in one stack.


Next I need to figure out meteor shower. I want to add custom rocks to it. Like tungsten and the copper iron.

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I put math.randomseed(os.time()) because without it mathrandom will always have the same results.
 That is not correct... The game already sets a seed (see main.lua), anyway, otherwise no random events in the game would work properly. I just tested some calls to math.random(1000) and got different results every time.


With that wouldn't it be a blue gem if the number is bigger then 51 That is why i put an upper bound on it.
No. Because these are elseifs, only one of those statements will be executed. So... it checks the first condition, if it was greater than 900, it'll make it an orange gem. Because that was true, the rest of the elseifs are skipped.


As for why the gems aren't being thrown out in different directions, the code is identical to the pig king, so I don't know why that would happen. Print out some of the intermediate values and see what they are.

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put this in your modworldgenmain.lua

print ("random number is " .. math.random(1000))
print ("random number is " .. math.random(1000))
print ("random number is " .. math.random(1000))
print ("random number is " .. math.random(1000))
print ("random number is " .. math.random(1000))
print ("random number is " .. math.random(1000))



first load
[00:00:00]: Mod: workshop-401709749 (Afetopia EXMG)    Loading modworldgenmain.lua    
[00:00:01]: random number is 101    
[00:00:01]: random number is 251    
[00:00:01]: random number is 820    
[00:00:01]: random number is 429    
[00:00:01]: random number is 47    
[00:00:01]: random number is 195  


second load
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-401709749 (Afetopia EXMG)    Loading modworldgenmain.lua    
[00:00:01]: random number is 101    
[00:00:01]: random number is 251    
[00:00:01]: random number is 820    
[00:00:01]: random number is 429    
[00:00:01]: random number is 47    
[00:00:01]: random number is 195  


third load
[00:00:01]: Mod: workshop-401709749 (Afetopia EXMG)    Loading modworldgenmain.lua    
[00:00:02]: random number is 101    
[00:00:02]: random number is 251    
[00:00:02]: random number is 820    
[00:00:02]: random number is 429    
[00:00:02]: random number is 47    
[00:00:02]: random number is 195  


I have been working with modworldgenmain.lua mostly so i figured it was the same with modmain. but it isn't. I guess the randomseed doesn't get generated until the map is created.


Then i put it into the local function levelpreint and it was after

[00:00:25]: scripts/worldgen_main.lua(79,1) SEED =     1426036492   (i thought this was the map seed. doh!)


so yah i guess it is totally not needed. damn that would have saved me like 5 hours of research. oh well now i know how to use that.

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