Damage Reduction help


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Yes, check for your character in scripts/prefabs, and replace your max health with this:

inst.components.health:SetMaxHealth(TUNING.WILSON_HEALTH * .0001 )


0001 is the (sort-of armor) multiplier of your character's health, which is compared to wilson's max health in tuning.lua

001 means 10% damage resistance, 0001 means 100% damage resistance.

20% damage resistance is 002, 30% is 003, I think you got it.

Also, after the health component, write this:


It modifies the way combat.lua reacts with your health, which also helps this line develop:


Wigfrid has a damage modifier, that changes damage effectiveness when it interacts with player. But attention, alone it only affects tuning.lua, that being said environmental and passive damage still affect you pretty hard.

Hope I helped.


I am just messing around with you. I just hate when something makes the game easier than it already is.

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When I replace the maxhealth line with inst.components.health:SetMaxHealth(TUNING.WILSON_HEALTH* .0001) and log into the game my health is set at 1. I tried changing the Wilson part to my characters name but it just crashed. I don't know how to keep his normal health level and still have the damage absorption.



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