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[Scripting] Changing the efficiency of tools used by a character

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AddComponentPostInit("workable", function(self)

local old = self.WorkedBy

function self:WorkedBy(worker, numworks)

if worker.prefab == "wilson" then

local a = 0

if worker.components.inventory then

a = worker.components.inventory.equipslots.hands


local item = worker.activeitem or a

if item then

if item.prefab == "axe" or

item.prefab == "pickaxe" or

item.prefab == "shovel" then

numworks = (numworks or 1) / 2

elseif item.prefab == "goldenaxe" or

item.prefab == "goldenpickaxe" or

item.prefab == "goldenshovel" then

numworks = (numworks or 1) * 2




old(self, worker, numworks)



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What rezecib meant with a lookup table looks kind of like this:

local Normal = {	axe = true,	pickaxe = true,	shovel = true}local Golden = {	goldenaxe = true,	goldenpickaxe = true,	goldenshovel = true}AddComponentPostInit("tool", function(self)    local old = self.GetEffectiveness    function self:GetEffectiveness(action)        if self.inst.components.inventoryitem and self.inst.components.inventoryitem.owner then			if self.inst.components.inventoryitem.owner.prefab == "wilson" then				local actual = self.actions[action] or 0				if Normal[self.inst.prefab] then					actual = actual / 2				elseif Golden[self.inst.prefab] then					actual = actual * 2				end				return actual			end		end		old(self, action)    endend)
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AddComponentPostInit("workable", function(self)    local old = self.WorkedBy    function self:WorkedBy(worker, numworks)        if worker.prefab == "wilson" then			local a = 0			if worker.components.inventory then				a = worker.components.inventory.equipslots.hands			end			local item = worker.activeitem or a			if item then				if item.prefab == "axe" or					item.prefab == "pickaxe" or					item.prefab == "shovel" then					numworks = (numworks or 1) / 2				elseif item.prefab == "goldenaxe" or					item.prefab == "goldenpickaxe" or					item.prefab == "goldenshovel" then					numworks = (numworks or 1) * 2				end			end		end        old(self, worker, numworks)    endend)


Heyy added this worked perfectly, Thank You! :D

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Why not go by the good ol' AddComponentPostInit and modyfing the WorkedBy function?

AddComponentPostInit("workable", function (Workable, inst)    Workable.old_WorkedBy = Workable.WorkedBy         function Workable:WorkedBy(worker, numworks)            if worker.prefab == "mycharacter" and (Workable.action == GLOBAL.ACTIONS.CHOP or Workable.action == GLOBAL.ACTIONS.MINE) then            numworks = numworks/2 or 0.5        end                return Workable:old_WorkedBy(worker, numworks)    endend)

Also, that error is caused because you are using AddComponentPostInit inside a character's prefab file. All PostInit functions (and variations) should go inside modmain.

Hey, i have a similar problem. I want my character to be able to just chop wood faster, not with every other tool. If you can give me a code similar to this, where do I place it? modmain?

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