Simple Request (beefalo manure density)


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Alright, hello everyone, I was requesting a mod that would be compatible with this mod and RoG


I would like to have a mod that will allow beefalos to lay more manure in a radius, I believe the default is 20 range and 2 within that range, I was wondering if you could edit it to 20 range and like 8-10? I would be willing to pay if it is allowed through paypal, if it is allowed. Please reply if interested.

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Nah I was thinking around 5-10 dollars if that, however I have noticed something interesting. I can modify the original game files which I thought I could not. I was wondering about that if it will mess anything up, it hasn't so far. Another question I have is about minimum spacing, its at the end of beefalo.lua under prefabs. What exactly does that do.


Edit: Just saw the spoiler. Where exactly would this go? Thats my issue, I dont know how to make a mod, I understand about modmain and everything but what about modinfo.lua, etc? Sorry to be such a pain :c


Edit#2: I see, where should I insert this code snippet?

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Nah I was thinking around 5-10 dollars if that, however I have noticed something interesting. I can modify the original game files which I thought I could not. I was wondering about that if it will mess anything up, it hasn't so far. Another question I have is about minimum spacing, its at the end of beefalo.lua under prefabs. What exactly does that do.


Edit: Just saw the spoiler. Where exactly would this go? Thats my issue, I dont know how to make a mod, I understand about modmain and everything but what about modinfo.lua, etc? Sorry to be such a pain :c


That is the minimum spacing distance between the spawning locations of poop.

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Alrighty, I am going to attempt to insert this into that other mod and add another function for the minimum spacing. Lets see how this goes, if this works this will be my first ever hack job of a mod that someone helped me with. I appreciate it @MobbStar

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Alrighty, I am going to attempt to insert this into that other mod and add another function for the minimum spacing. Lets see how this goes, if this works this will be my first ever hack job of a mod that someone helped me with. I appreciate it @MobbStar


I wrote that spontanously to give you an idea of what it takes. I think you can just pop that in modmain.lua as-is and done (changing the red numbers ofc). Maybe you want to add a modinfo.lua to your mod folder too, just to shut the game up about unknown compatibility.


EDIT: add this to the other line for minimum spacing:


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I wrote that spontanously to give you an idea of what it takes. I think you can just pop that in modmain.lua as-is and done (changing the red numbers ofc). Maybe you want to add a modinfo.lua to your mod folder too, just to shut the game up about unknown compatibility.


EDIT: add this to the other line for minimum spacing:





Alrighty so I had some issues with it working, it would not spawn the poop without this line inst.components.periodicspawner:Start() in the modmain.lua in the Oh Poop mod.


I was worried about it doing it twice so I edited the default beefalo.lua under data prefabs beefalo.lua and took out that line so it wouldn't start it twice, and then put  the inst.components.periodicspawner:Start() in modmain.lua and it worked so I am assuming everything is fine now. If I was ever needing help with a mod is there people on this forum like you that will help out?


Everything is going well as of now.


If you are willing to help more on another matter please reply, I have a mod called more plantables and I wish to make a edit to it to where I can plant a certain item and it would spawn a beefalo where the item was planted.


Edit: Where did you learn all of this? Is that even possible to have it make a beefalo spawn?


Edit#2: I have found a solution to the beefalo part. Nevermind about that, but what about the periodicspawner being disabled in beefalo.lua under the original game files, is that alright? What if they were in both files in modmain.lua and beefalo.lua, would that affect anything?


I am so very thankful for everything you have done to help me. I really do appreciate it. -Steven

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Edit: Where did you learn all of this? Is that even possible to have it make a beefalo spawn?


Edit#2: what about the periodicspawner being disabled in beefalo.lua under the original game files, is that alright? What if they were in both files in modmain.lua and beefalo.lua, would that affect anything?


I am so very thankful for everything you have done to help me. I really do appreciate it. -Steven


I'm glad to hear you're making progress :grin:


I have learnt basic coding using a minecraft mod called computercraft and related Lua tutorial by SethBling (I can recommend that tutorial), but I hardly grasped anything beyond basic loops. Then I found the DS modding community, and... watched, tried, failed, repeat. :razz: I'm doing a Java class right now and I'm so far ahead XD


The spawner doesn't stop in the game files, but you could do that in the mod without foreseeable problems. It would stay off at all times then.

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And what do you mean by stopping it? The reason why I put it in modmain.lua as I was wanting it to spawn faster and it wouldn't when I put in the component for how fast it would spawn and it just wouldn't. Unless... I have an idea brb. 


With your previous code, what would I do if I want them to spawn it faster?


If I want it to stop spawning offscreen should I just remove this line


function doBeefaloPostInit(inst)

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