Reputation calculation and thoughts

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Does anyone know how reputation is calculated? I find it a little weird that the Reputation Score at the end of a mission almost never seems to match the change in reputation on the world screen. Also, what missions give the most reputation? I assume Vault is first, but I have no idea how the others rank. 


I think the game could do some cool things with reputation as well. Right now, it's a psuedo game score, and it has no affect on gameplay (Oh, I guess also as XP for unlocks as well). Here's are some ideas that would be neat:


- Special character lines that they might emote as the agency gets higher Reputation (on starting screen)


- Different types of missions depending on level (or different defenses/enforcers/objectives based on rep. level 1 you just need to steal x, level 4 you need to steal x, y, and z. Would require MUCH bigger maps!)


- Use reputation as currency to unlock special sites! Kind of like Path of Exile, where maps are kind of like commodities. If you do really well, you can be a (very small) net positive and do another special mission (i.e. "go infinite on rep"). Otherwise, you have to build up rep again to buy access (almost like Hearthstone arena).


Anyways, that are some thoughts. I would still love to know the calculation (there was a previous post, but I'm pretty sure that formula doesn't match what I'm currently seeing in Normal).

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As far as I know there is no formula that calculates reputation, they are all fixed. There was however a multiplier of x3 when you play on Normal mode. I did put some of the values on the Wikia but not all of them, I see. (I now remember what I wanted to do some time ago :friendly_wink: )

Anyway, here are some numbers. (Easy/Normal)

Corporate Intelligence = 600/1800
Cultural Artifact = 150/450
Valuable Tech = 150/450


Guarded = 200/600 rep. per successful mission
Very Guarded = 400/1200 rep. per successful mission
Heavily guarded = 600/1800 rep. per successful mission
Extremely guarded = 1000/3000 rep. per successful mission


Complete Story mode = 1000/3000 rep.





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Does anyone know how reputation is calculated? I find it a little weird that the Reputation Score at the end of a mission almost never seems to match the change in reputation on the world screen. Also, what missions give the most reputation? I assume Vault is first, but I have no idea how the others rank. 

I believe there are some base values that depend on level of mission's difficulty (guarded, very guarde etc) and strongly affected (multiplied or summed) by type of mission (less for "selfish" missions like cyberlabs or security dispatch), aquired special loot (artefacts from vault, tech from amplifiers, data etc), completing objectives and game-mode difficulty.

There is some part of it in serverdefs.lua:

local MISSION_REPUTATION = {[1] = 200, [2] = 400, [3] = 600, [4] = 1000, 

but I'm not sure where to search other affecting values


Reputation Score at the end of a mission almost never seems to match the change in reputation on the world screen





it's a psuedo game score, and it has no affect on gameplay

like score in "Space invaders" or "Pac-man" etc, why you call it "pseudo"?


P.S. Oh, InvisibleThunder probably right and "selfish" missions (beside the vaults) simply has smallest amount of additional loot

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Reputation Score at the end of a mission almost never seems to match the change in reputation on the world screen


The Reputation score at the end of the mission only represents what you stole. (Corporate Artifact, Valuable Tech, Cultural Artifact). The map difficulty gets added later (after you clicked on Continue). That's what causes the confusion, I guess.


Basically > You select a mission > very guarded > you steal 2 Corporate Intelligence and a Valuable Tech.

Easy: 600 (CA) + 600 (CA) + 150 (VT) = 1350 mission screen [CONTINUE] + 400 map difficulty = 1750 world screen

Normal: (600 + 600 + 150) * 3 = 4050 mission screen [CONTINUE] + (400 * 3) map difficulty = 5250 world screen.


Now if you already had a Total Reputation of 5000 (world screen) the total would be:

Easy: 5000 + 1750 = 6750 on world screen.

Normal: 5000 + 5250 = 10250 on world screen.


Currently the (selfish) mission "type" does not contribute to the reputation score, nor do any other items.

This may of course change in the future if or when other custom difficulty options are implemented.


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The Reputation score at the end of the mission only represents what you stole. (Corporate Artifact, Valuable Tech, Cultural Artifact). The map difficulty gets added later (after you clicked on Continue). That's what causes the confusion, I guess.



It should represent what I stole, but it's often wrong. I've had it show 450 on a mission where I stole 1x valuable tech and 2x corp intel (which should be 1650). I've had it show 1800 on a mission where I stole 2x corp intel (should be 1200). Honestly don't know how what it's calculating on that screen.


Thanks for the formula - it lines up with what the overall total. Now I know to take more secured missions if I want to max the score. I do find it weird that prisoner rescues don't add to your reputation - they're just a bonus in credits. (BTW, your chart should be 600/1800 for Heavily guarded instead of 600/1200.)

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It should represent what I stole, but it's often wrong. I've had it show 450 on a mission where I stole 1x valuable tech and 2x corp intel (which should be 1650). I've had it show 1800 on a mission where I stole 2x corp intel (should be 1200). Honestly don't know how what it's calculating on that screen.


Well, after keeping an eye on the mission rapport while playing, you are absolutely right!


It does not calculate the Reputation score correctly as in, it only count 1 of each type.

So if you've obtained 3 Corporate Intelligence it only calculates 1 (1800 instead of 5400).


It does however calculate the Total score correctly, so on the World screen 5400 WILL be added (+mission difficulty of course). So I guess this is a bug making it all very confusing.

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Hmm , I would prefer have penalty of reputation at easy like 1/3 of default value, instead of 3x at normal

Those are the same thing. :-)

What I want is the summary screen to actually tell me how these numbers are calculated. I'd also like the numbers to be the total that I got, so if I start with 5000 rep, and the summary screen says I got 2400 rep, I actually end up with 7400 rep on the map screen and not some other number.

Same with cash. I want to be able to see what got me what cash, so next time I can make an informed decision between the 3 choices of picking up that EMP, that Corporate Intelligence, or upgrading my inventory to get both.

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