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My chester needs some widgets!

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I was thinking about a new chester and i have a new method of food temprature!


The quick and needed part: fire chester(red gem blah blah blah), keep food hot and have a high enough temprature for cook cookable(blah!) food. 


The other part that is out of concern but interesting!

each food has a temprature bar and have smalls visuals effects like wetness when too hot or cold. Winter cold the food, summer hot enough to cook food and make them hot.


Fridge cool food and make them longer, and heat make them spoil faster... 

Cooking and make a crock pot based recipe increase their temprature...


But! I was thinking that's too easy to eat iced food and pass the winter without issues...so, cold enough food(when frozen particules) will decrease a bit sanity(like 10) and health(5)(in addition of the food) and hot food will get the normal stats(the 5 sanity of the crock pot based recipes are under this, but i think it's a good way to exprime it...)....With exception like ice cream who turns to butter when too hot and others(or just instaspoil)...   So what's your choice?  Slow spoil time but sanity/health cost or Fast spoil time with(not really because they are already presents)bonuses...




And sorry for my very bad english but i wanted to share it :3

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I had thought about this a while back but never actually voiced my opinion about how there should be a fire Chester. Fire pit and crock pot Chester was what I had thought of and for some reason I dismissed crock pot Chester because I thought people would think it overpowered for some reason.

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