It's Dreadful, Yet It's Home((CLOSED))


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"..Damn it!....Alright. Weifell, see if you can find a way to clear any excess blood out of her throat. Suzanne, if you have any ideas on helping Wimmy, i'd love the help."


There was something a bit unnatural with Wimmy's illness, Wilson decided. So, perhaps answering phenomena with more phenomena was the answer. Wilson ran over to storage again, and produced a purple gem. He put it on the ground, and gave it several hard strikes with a pickaxe, to break off a few shards. He picked up what was left, and ran over to the Alchemy Engine, feeding it into a slot on the machine. It pulverized the shards into dust. Feeling another burst of inspiration, he headed outside camp where there was a Shadow Manipulator.

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"Ok...." Weifell looked around and noticed there was a small pool of water near the camp. He rushed to it, and, after quickly weaving together a tight basket, filled it with water and rushed back to Wimmy. He shook her lightly, and, very weakly, awoke. "Weifell?" Her voice was very frail. "Wimmy, I need you to put some water in your mouth and gargle out all that blood. Do you think you can do that?" Weifell said, holding her hand in his paws. "I think so..." Weifell picked up the basket, and poured some water into her mouth. She started to gargle, and it looked like blood was surfacing in it. "Ok, now spit it out onto the ground." He had to hold her up so she could do so, the bloodied water rushing out her mouth....there were some chunks as well that looked suspiciously like flesh. That in no way shape or form looked good. "Oh dear..."

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Wilson headed back to camp. His right hand was literally aflame with a dark fire. However, the fire was not consuming his flesh in the least. He walked over to Wimmy, and held his burning right hand above her forehead. Tendrils of shadow energy reached out, wrapped around Wimmy, and glowed intensely, tending to Wimmy's sickness.

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"Eeeeeew yucky!!" Wimmy grabbed the basket and started to gargle with it again, probably to wash out the taste. "That ball is mean! It made me sick and act all gloomy!"


The "ball" squeaked, and yawned, revealing a small mouth. 


...balls didn't yawn, or have mouths...

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The creature bounced out of Wilson's hands and took on an odd shape... it had a dog-like head now, and it's body looked like gown-like.


Wimmy gasped with surprise, before squealing and diving at hyper speed at the thing.


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Wimmy looked at her legs, with wide eyes, and smiled, mouth still gaping open. "YAYYYY!!!" The shadowy puppy headed creature yipped in response, snuggling against what one would suppose would be it's mommy...aka, Wimmy. "I was not expecting that at all..." Weifell's tail started to wag. Some dust flew off of it.

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