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RoG tips

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1. Birch tree guard - if they will spawn you can calm them down by planting a birch plant.

2. If you want to go somewhere where are a lot of spiders with webber - DO NOT TAKE CHESTER! If you have chests take to them all items which are not important and then go. (Remember Glommer too!) [since 1.99231 fixed it]

3. Summer... Too hot? Yeah. Do not start a game with spring. Start with autumn. It's really easier to alive then in summer.

4. Straw hat + petty umbrella+thermal stone is great combo for summer.

5. If it rains frogs run to buffalos, you'll be swimming in food.

6. Catcoons are your nine-life friends (literally have a limit of nine), keep them as your pets and you will get good rewards in return. 

7. Do not provoke the giants, they all have one generic aoe ability, a frontal swing attack as well as a charge ability. Only confront them if: you have 8. pieces of armor/helmet, a weapon better than spear and some knowledge of kiting (hit twice between the aoe and tank the swing attack).

9. Chop down birch trees, run immediately. Come back the next day to chop down purple birch trees. 

10. Since food rot on drying rack and crock pot, harvest them immediately. This also applies to traps. Bird in bird cage can be fed with seeds to prolong its life.

10. Watch out for flowers: at full moon they will change to evil flowers = fast sanity lost.

11. If you will take glommer's flower at first night of full moon and then you kill him and then make old bell, you can harvest the flower in second night.

I will add more later.

If you have your own: post them there.

tip 4&5 - thank for them VelenoRosso!

tip 6 to 10 - thank for them BipedalBear!

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To know which season you started':



- Psychotic bees: Every bee around is a killer bee and will attack if you if you get near

- Green birchwood:  If you find a birchwood biome, is easy to now the season: green for spring, yellow and red for autumn

- Rain: days and days of rain, frog rain, (but by day 3 you should have met a bee or a birchwood biome so you will already know your season)



- Normal bees

- Red/ yellow birchwood: fall colors for birchwood are a great season identifier

- Rain, not a lot of rain


Spawning on Spring: Get mining!!!!

- Gold: you will need tons. Minimum of 10 gold nuggets!!! You can only make the ice flingomatic with an alchemy engine and 4 gold (which allows you to have a camp in summer without it catching fire). The science engine takes 1 gold, the alchemy engine takes, 4. The 10th nugget is or occasional fire. Every single fire you do in summer will take 1 gold.

- Nitre: at least 4,  every single fire you do in summer will take 2

- Hammer: To save gold and nitre, hammer down every campfire you make so you get your gold and nitre back,

- Rocks: you will need a lot for the science/ alchemy & flingomatic machines, plus the thermal stone. The endothermic fire pit alone  takes 21 rocks (7 cut stones) and 4 gold.

- ice: if you are lucky enough to find miniglaciers, DO NOT MINE THEM until you get an ice box, mined ice melts fast and you will need it for a lot of stuff.

Gears: You will need at least 2 for an ice flingomatic. If you have ice and 1 gear make an ice box, store the ice in it (then hammer it down to make the flingomatic when summer starts.

- Frog rain: Will be your "food pantry" on summer. leave the frog heavy area alone, come back on summer with traps and feast on frog legs. If something killed a lot of frogs grab the legs, cook them store on ice box if you have one. Let some go to rot ( i got 97 legs at one time) because rot in summer is awesome.

rot: Fertilizes withered plants, fuels fires, extinguishes fires.. is a must have for summer. Get yourself a cat (give it a flower) for never ending rot.


It is possible t survive in summer without a flingomatic but you can not hang around your camp and chests at all or they will catch fire (apparently you can extinguish those fires now but i haven't tried surviving a whole summer this way)

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This is an extended guide to don't starve in RoG that ppl above did not mention:

1.Catcoons are your nine-life friends (literally have a limit of nine), keep them as your pets and you will get good rewards in return. 

2.Do not provoke the giants, they all have one generic aoe ability, a frontal swing attack as well as a charge ability. Only confront them if: you have 3 pieces of armor/helmet, a weapon better than spear and some knowledge of kiting (hit twice between the aoe and tank the swing attack).

3.Chop down birch trees, run immediately. Come back the next day to chop down purple birch trees. 

4.Since food rot on drying rack and crock pot, harvest them immediately. This also applies to traps. Bird in bird cage can be fed with seeds to prolong its life. 




















5. (This is a bug and will be fixed soon) Plant spider den next to the hollow stomp.I suggest you build a pig house next to the hollow stomp as well. The spiders with aggro to catcoon, preferably killing it. THIS WILL cause krampus to spawn and drop krampus sack if you kill krampus this way.

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