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[Dawnbreak Mod Issue]Super-brightness in caves

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What I said in your bug report is that it could be what's causing it, but I still think some more testing needs to be done before saying "Dawnbreak is the cause".

But anyway, @Heavenfall, what I believe is the issue is that now that caves have a day cycle your code for inserting dawn is stomping over the caveColour (defined to be (0, 0, 0)) caves use, instead overriding them with the usual day/dusk/night/dawn colours on occasion. If that's confirmed to be the issue, what I suggest is for you to surround those tweaks with the conditional

if GLOBAL.SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() == "survival" or GLOBAL.SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() == "adventure" then    --[[ stuff ]]--end
I think it's better to explicitly only do it in survival and adventure, instead of just excluding caves, to prevent stepping on the toes of mods adding custom level types, with specific mechanics.
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@simplex I'm looking at this now. Are you guys going to use a new type of gamemode for up and away?

Currently we're using the cave mode as a base. But apparently now (based on Lost Fragment) mods can use custom level types, so we may switch to that. Malacath was also tinkering with this idea (for the Waverly mod, I think). So overall I think it's more mod-friendly to explicitly include just survival and adventure.

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Should be fixed now with v17, let me know if you have any other issues. Wow, 17 versions in already, I think v4 was the first final release, the rest are just patch updates. Thanks @simplex.


Edit: I should say that for future mod compatability this isn't going to work with someone else modiyfing the clock UI. I guess we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.

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