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I'm having trouble getting the speech to run


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Hey I'm pretty much new here, but some of you may know me from the whole Garry's Mod community. Anyways, I finally decided to take a break from all those 3D models and decided to try making my very first mod of Don't Starve, which is Mr. Mundy, the Sniper from Team Fortress 2.

I've managed to get him all nice a drawn out



I managed to get him to work in game, though still a few sprite bugs, but nothing unfixable.


Of course I still gotta make his hat prefab and all and program his perks, I'm planning they be


Less afraid of monsters and the dark just like Wendy

Has a kukri, basically a never breaking spear (but irreplaceable if lost or stolen by Krampus)

Hunger: 150

Health: 125

Sanity: 160


I had one of my friends write all his dialog (some of it is vulgar, yes.....)

But unfortunately I keep getting this error when starting the game with him enabled



So then, I've made 100% sure (i'm sure of it at least) that the error is in fact coming from speech_sniper

Can anyone skim through his speech and point out where the error is? (seems the c3n50r807 did a bit of work with the ****, so ignore it if that would be causing errors) i'm still kinda new at this.....

return {	ACTIONFAIL =	{		SHAVE =		{			AWAKEBEEFALO = "Hunters don't shave beasts while they're awake.",			GENERIC = "Can't shave that.",			NOBITS = "It's left nude.",		},		STORE =		{			GENERIC = "Can't carry any more, mate.",			NOTALLOWED = "That can't go in there.",		},	},	ACTIONFAIL_GENERIC = "Ah piss.",	ANNOUNCE_ADVENTUREFAIL = "Bloody hell, what happened?",	ANNOUNCE_BEES = "Piss off you yellow delinquent.",	ANNOUNCE_BOOMERANG = "That humiliates me as an australian.",	ANNOUNCE_CHARLIE = "Incoming!",	ANNOUNCE_CHARLIE_ATTACK = "Spy 'round here!",	ANNOUNCE_COLD = "It's so bloody cold!",	ANNOUNCE_CRAFTING_FAIL = "I don't have the right stuff.",	ANNOUNCE_DEERCLOPS = "Giant robot incoming?",	ANNOUNCE_DUSK = "Starting to get dark.",	ANNOUNCE_EAT =	{		GENERIC = "Finally! Real food!",		PAINFUL = "This tastes like piss.",		SPOILED = "Nghhh...",		STALE = "I hate Bear Grylls for making me do this.",	},	ANNOUNCE_ENTER_DARK = "Ah piss.",	ANNOUNCE_ENTER_LIGHT = "Aha!",	ANNOUNCE_FREEDOM = "I'm free! I'm finally free!",	ANNOUNCE_HIGHRESEARCH = "I think I can outbeat Dell at math now.",	ANNOUNCE_HOUNDS = "Incoming...",	ANNOUNCE_HUNGRY = "A'hm starvin'.",	ANNOUNCE_HUNT_BEAST_NEARBY = "The beast is near.",	ANNOUNCE_HUNT_LOST_TRAIL = "Naaaw...",	ANNOUNCE_INV_FULL = "Too much stuff.",	ANNOUNCE_KNOCKEDOUT = "Bloody hell...",	ANNOUNCE_LOWRESEARCH = "I didn't learn very much from that.",	ANNOUNCE_MOSQUITOS = "Remind me of those spies and their sappers.",	ANNOUNCE_NODANGERSLEEP = "Gotta clear out the enemies first.",	ANNOUNCE_NODAYSLEEP = "It's still bright.",	ANNOUNCE_NOHUNGERSLEEP = "I need something to eat before I sleep.",	ANNOUNCE_NO_TRAP = "Well, that was easy.",	ANNOUNCE_PECKED = "Oof!",	ANNOUNCE_QUAKE = "Incoming...",	ANNOUNCE_RESEARCH = "Learn from skills.",	ANNOUNCE_THORNS = "Ow!",	ANNOUNCE_TORCH_OUT = "Ah piss.",	ANNOUNCE_TRAP_WENT_OFF = "Oops.",	ANNOUNCE_UNIMPLEMENTED = "It's not ready yet.",	ANNOUNCE_WORMHOLE = "Felt like 2fort's sewers.",	ANNOUNCE_CANFIX = "\nI think I could fix this!",	BATTLECRY =	{		GENERIC = "God save the queen!",		PIG = "Ready to meet sharpie?!",		PREY = "C'mere you little spook!",		SPIDER = "I'm gonna carve a smile into ya!",		SPIDER_WARRIOR = "C'mon!",	},	COMBAT_QUIT =	{		GENERIC = "I'm a dink of aussie! Not some bloody cartoon!",		PIG = "Ah, piss.",		PREY = "It's like Judas, fast.",		SPIDER = "Stupid little buggah.",		SPIDER_WARRIOR = "Those things evolved quickly.",	},	DESCRIBE =	{		EEL = "This will make a delicious meal.",		EEL_COOKED = "Smells like my victory.",		UNAGI = "I cooked it myself!",		EYETURRET = "A good sniper like me!",		EYETURRET_ITEM = "I think it's sleeping.",		MINOTAURHORN = "Wow! I'm glad that didn't gore me!",		THULECITE_PIECES = "Strange rocks...",		POND_ALGAE = "Some algae by a pond.",		GREENSTAFF = "I think Tavish might want this.",			POTTEDFERN = "A fern in a pot.",		THULECITE = "Some odd patterns...",		ARMORRUINS = "It's oddly light.",		RUINS_BAT = "It has quite a heft to it.",		NIGHTMARE_TIMEPIECE =		{		CALM = "All is well.",		WARN = "Getting pretty magical around here.",		WAXING = "I think it's becoming more concentrated!",		STEADY = "It seems to be staying steady.",		WANING = "Feels like it's receding.",		DAWN = "The nightmare is almost gone!",		NOMAGIC = "There's no magic around here.",		},		BISHOP_NIGHTMARE = "I think it's mad at me for popping it's brother's heads off.",		ROOK_NIGHTMARE = "Yeesh.",		KNIGHT_NIGHTMARE = "You dead showpony!",		MINOTAUR = "My god you look horrible.",		SPIDER_DROPPER = "I hate ambush.",		NIGHTMARELIGHT = Kind of spooky.",		GREENGEM = "Doe's roommate might know what this does.",		RELIC = "Ancient household goods.",		RUINS_RUBBLE = "This can be fixed.",		MULTITOOL_AXE_PICKAXE = "Odd little item, yet useful.",		ORANGESTAFF = "Dell did this already.",		YELLOWAMULET = "Warm to the touch.",		GREENAMULET = "Just when I thought I couldn't get any better.",		SLURPERPELT = "Doesn't look much different dead.",			SLURPER = "Time to bag the world's fattest creature!",		SLURPER_PELT = "Doesn't look much different dead.",		ARMORSLURPER = "A soggy, sustaining, succulent suit.",		ORANGEAMULET = "I think Conagher uses this for his teleporters.",		YELLOWSTAFF = "I put a gem on a stick.",		YELLOWGEM = "This gem is yellow.",		ORANGEGEM = "It's an orange gem.",		TELEBASE = 		{			VALID = "It's ready to go.",			GEMS = "It needs more purple gems.",		},		GEMSOCKET = 		{			VALID = "Looks ready.",			GEMS = "It needs a gem.",		},		STAFFLIGHT = "Up above the bloody point, like a wanker in the penis!",		RESEARCHLAB4 = "Who would name something that?",	        ANCIENT_ALTAR = "That dumb wizard... Making stuff...",        ANCIENT_ALTAR_BROKEN = "This seems to be broken.",        ANCIENT_STATUE = "It seems to throb out of tune with the world.",        LICHEN = "Only a cyanobacteria could grow in this light.",		CUTLICHEN = "Nutritious, but it won't last long.",		CAVE_BANANA = "It's mushy.",		CAVE_BANANA_COOKED = "Yum!",		CAVE_BANANA_TREE = "It's dubiously photosynthetical.",		ROCKY = "Just like that song.",				COMPASS =		{			GENERIC = "I can't get a reading.",			N = "North",			S = "South",			E = "East",			W = "West",			NE = "Northeast",			SE = "Southeast",			NW = "Northwest",			SW = "Southwest",		},		NIGHTMARE_TIMEPIECE =		{			WAXING = "I think it's becoming more concentrated!",			STEADY = "It seems to be staying steady.",			WANING = "Feels like it's receding.",			DAWN = "The nightmare is almost gone!",			WARN = "Getting pretty magical around here.",			CALM = "All is well.",			NOMAGIC = "There's no magic around here.",		},		HOUNDSTOOTH = "It takes a man to pull teeth from a live one.",		ARMORSNURTLESHELL = "It sticks to my back.",		BAT = "Ack! That's terrifying!",		BATBAT = "I wonder if I could fly with two of these.",		BATWING = "I hate these things, even when they're dead.",		BATWING_COOKED = "At least it's not coming back.",		BEDROLL_FURRY = "It's so warm and comfy.",		BUNNYMAN = "They don't look too nice.",		FLOWER_CAVE = "Science makes it glow.",		FLOWER_CAVE_DOUBLE = "Science makes it glow.",		FLOWER_CAVE_TRIPLE = "Science makes it glow.",		GUANO = "Another flavour of poop.",		LANTERN = "A more civilized light.",		LIGHTBULB = "It's strangely tasty looking.",		MANRABBIT_TAIL = "I just like holding it.",		MUSHTREE_TALL  = "That mushroom got too big for its own good.",		MUSHTREE_MEDIUM = "These used to grow in my bathroom.",		MUSHTREE_SMALL = "A magic mushroom?",		RABBITHOUSE = "That's not a real carrot.",		SLURTLE = "Ew.",		SLURTLE_SHELLPIECES = "A puzzle with no solution.",		SLURTLEHAT = "I hope it doesn't mess up my Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixitive.",		SLURTLEHOLE = "A den of 'ew'.",		SLURTLESLIME = "If it wasn't useful, I wouldn't touch it.",		SNURTLE = "He's less gross, but still gross.",		SPIDER_HIDER = "Nugh!",		SPIDER_SPITTER = "Disgusting!",		SPIDERHOLE = "It's encrusted with old webbing.",		STALAGMITE = "Looks like a rock to me.",		STALAGMITE_FULL = "Looks like a rock to me.",		STALAGMITE_LOW = "Looks like a rock to me.",		STALAGMITE_MED = "Looks like a rock to me.",		STALAGMITE_TALL = "Rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks...",		STALAGMITE_TALL_FULL = "Rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks...",		STALAGMITE_TALL_LOW = "Rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks...",		STALAGMITE_TALL_MED = "Rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks...",		TURF_FUNGUS = "Yet another ground type.",		TURF_MUD = "Yet another ground type.",		TURF_SINKHOLE = "Yet another ground type.",		TURF_UNDERROCK = "Yet another ground type.",			POWCAKE = "I don't know if I'm hungry enough.",        CAVE_ENTRANCE =         {            GENERIC = "I wonder if I could move that rock.",            OPEN = "I bet there's all sorts of things to discover down there.",        },        CAVE_EXIT = "I've had enough discovery for now.",		MAXWELLPHONOGRAPH = "So that's where the music was coming from.",		BOOMERANG = "A true austrailian weapon!",		PIGGUARD = "He doesn't look as friendly as the others.",		ABIGAIL = "I think that's Zepheniah's wife.",		ADVENTURE_PORTAL = "Well, don't think I'd want to go in there.",		AMULET = "That cat ate something like this.",		ANIMAL_TRACK = "Tracks left by an animal.",		ARMORGRASS = "I hope there are no bugs in this.",		ARMORMARBLE = "This looks really heavy.",		ARMORWOOD = "That is a perfectly reasonable piece of clothing.",		ARMOR_SANITY = "Wearing this makes me feel safe and insecure.",		ASH =		{			GENERIC = "All that's left after fire has done its job.",			REMAINS_EYE_BONE = "HOW'D IT GET BURNED!?",			REMAINS_THINGIE = "This was once some thing before it got burned...",		},		AXE = "Pyro might want this.",		BABYBEEFALO = "Little bugger.",		BACKPACK = "It's not a cozy camper.",		BACONEGGS = "I cooked it myself!",		BANDAGE = "Seems sterile enough.",		BASALT = "That's too strong to break through!",		BATBAT = "I bet I could fly if I held two of these.",		BEARDHAIR = "How the bloody hell did it come from some larrikin bunny?.",		BEDROLL_STRAW = "It smells like wet.",		BEE =		{			GENERIC = "Bug off.",			HELD = "Careful!",		},		BEEBOX =		{			FULLHONEY = "It's full of honey.",			GENERIC = "Bees!",			NOHONEY = "It's empty.",			SOMEHONEY = "I should wait a bit.",		},		BEEFALO =		{			FOLLOWER = "He's coming along peacefully.",			GENERIC = "It's a bag of ****!",			NAKED = "He's live and in the nude.",			SLEEPING = "These guys are really heavy sleepers.",		},		BEEFALOHAT = "What a nice hat.",		BEEFALOWOOL = "It smells like beefalo blood.",		BEEHAT = "This should keep me protected.",		BEEHIVE = "It's buzzing with activity.",		BEEMINE = "It buzzes when I shake it.",		BEEMINE_MAXWELL = "I'm starting to hate this guy more and more...",		BERRIES = "Red berries taste the best.",		BERRIES_COOKED = "It's like pie filling.",		BERRYBUSH =		{			BARREN = "I think it needs to be fertilized.",			GENERIC = "Red berries taste the best.",			PICKED = "Maybe they'll grow back?",		},		BIRDCAGE =		{			GENERIC = "I should put a bird in it.",			OCCUPIED = "That's Sir Hootsalot!",			SLEEPING = "Awwww, he's asleep.",		},		BIRDTRAP = "Gives me a net advantage!",		BIRD_EGG = "A small, normal egg.",		BIRD_EGG_COOKED = "Sunny side yum!",		BISHOP = "I'm atheist, you robotic preacher!",		BLOWDART_FIRE = "Got myself some incidiary rounds.",		BLOWDART_SLEEP = "For tagging kangaroos.",		BLUEAMULET = "Cool as ice!",		BLUEGEM = "It sparkles with cold energy.",		BLUEPRINT = "It's scientific!",		BLUE_CAP = "It's weird and gooey.",		BLUE_CAP_COOKED = "It's different now...",		BLUE_MUSHROOM =		{			GENERIC = "It's a mushroom.",			INGROUND = "It's sleeping.",			PICKED = "I wonder if it will come back?",		},		BOARDS = "Boards.",		BOAT = "Is that how I got here?",		BONESTEW = "I cooked it myself!",		BUGNET = "For catching bugs.",		BUSHHAT = "It's kind of scratchy.",		BUTTER = "I can't believe it's butter!",		BUTTERFLY =		{			GENERIC = "Bloody butterflies.",			HELD = "Now I have you!",		},		BUTTERFLYMUFFIN = "I cooked it myself!",		BUTTERFLYWINGS = "I cut em' off.",		CAMPFIRE =		{			EMBERS = "I should put something on the fire before it goes out.",			GENERIC = "Sure beats darkness.",			HIGH = "That fire is getting out of hand!",			LOW = "The fire's getting a bit low.",			NORMAL = "Nice and comfy.",			OUT = "Well, that's over.",		},		CANE = "It makes walking seem much easier!",		CARROT = "Yuck.",		CARROT_COOKED = "Mushy.",		CARROT_PLANTED = "It looks like nothing from above, but it's a carrot underground.",		CARROT_SEEDS = "It's a seed.",		CAVE_FERN = "It's a fern.",		CHARCOAL = "It's small, dark and smells like burnt wood.",        CHESSJUNK1 = "A pile of broken chess pieces.",        CHESSJUNK2 = "Another pile of broken chess pieces.",        CHESSJUNK3 = "Even more broken chess pieces.",		CHESTER = "Well, you're a cute little bugger aren't ya?.",		CHESTER_EYEBONE =		{			GENERIC = "It's looking at me.",			WAITING = "It went to sleep.",		},		COOKEDMANDRAKE = "You ran fast, now, dead.",		COOKEDMEAT = "Char broiled to perfection.",		COOKEDMONSTERMEAT = "That's only somewhat more appetizing than when it was raw.",		COOKEDSMALLMEAT = "Well...",		COOKPOT =		{			COOKING_LONG = "This is going to take a while.",			COOKING_SHORT = "It's almost done!",			DONE = "Mmmmm! It's ready to eat!",			EMPTY = "It makes me hungry just to look at it.",		},		CORN = "The spy's favourite!",		CORN_COOKED = "Great for watching the Saxxies!",		CORN_SEEDS = "It's a seed.",		CROW =		{			GENERIC = "Bloody poem inspiration!",			HELD = "He's not very happy in there.",		},		CUTGRASS = "Cut grass, ready for arts and crafts.",		CUTREEDS = "Cut reeds, ready for crafting and hobbying.",		CUTSTONE = "I've made them smooth.",		DEERCLOPS = "Bloody hell you look awful!",		DEERCLOPS_EYEBALL = "Tavish might need this.",		DEPLETED_GRASS =		{			GENERIC = "It's probably a tuft of grass.",		},		DEVTOOL = "It smells of bacon!",		DEVTOOL_NODEV = "I'm not strong enough to wield it.",		DIRTPILE = "It's a pile of dirt... or IS it?",		DIVININGROD =		{			COLD = "The signal is very faint.",			GENERIC = "It's some kind of homing device.",			HOT = "This thing's going crazy!",			WARM = "I'm headed in the right direction.",			WARMER = "I must be getting pretty close.",		},		DIVININGRODBASE =		{			GENERIC = "I wonder what it does.",			READY = "It looks like it needs a large key.",			UNLOCKED = "Now my machine can work!",		},		DIVININGRODSTART = "That rod looks useful!",		DRAGONFRUIT = "What a weird fruit.",		DRAGONFRUIT_COOKED = "Still weird.",		DRAGONFRUIT_SEEDS = "It's a seed.",		DRAGONPIE = "I cooked it myself!",		DRUMSTICK = "This is carnival food.",		DRUMSTICK_COOKED = "Just like ol' Colonel Buck Buck.",		DUG_BERRYBUSH = "I should plant this.",		DUG_GRASS = "I should plant this.",		DUG_MARSH_BUSH = "I should plant this.",		DUG_SAPLING = "I should plant this.",		DURIAN = "Oh it smells!",		DURIAN_COOKED = "Now it smells even worse!",		DURIAN_SEEDS = "It's a seed.",		EARMUFFSHAT = "At least my ears won't get cold...",		EGGPLANT = "It doesn't look like an egg.",		EGGPLANT_COOKED = "It's even less eggy.",		EGGPLANT_SEEDS = "It's a seed.",		EVERGREEN =		{			BURNING = "What a waste of wood.",			BURNT = "That was bloody insane.",			CHOPPED = "Eh the lil' ol' chop chop.",			GENERIC = "Just pines and needles.",		},		EVERGREEN_SPARSE =		{			BURNING = "What a waste of wood.",			BURNT = "That was bloody insane.",			CHOPPED = "Eh the lil' ol' chop chop.",			GENERIC = "No cones, why would I need them anyways?",		},		EYEPLANT = "Stop looking at me and let me look at you. Through a scope. On a gun.",		FARMPLOT =		{			GENERIC = "I should try planting some crops.",			GROWING = "I'm getting impatient.",			NEEDSFERTILIZER = "I think it needs to be fertilized.",		},		FEATHERHAT = "At least I'll have more reputation, who doesn't like hats?",		FEATHER_CROW = "A black feather.",		FEATHER_ROBIN = "A red feather.",		FEATHER_ROBIN_WINTER = "Won't make me jump higher.",		FEM_PUPPET = "She doesn't look comfy.",		FIREFLIES =		{			GENERIC = "If only I could catch them!",			HELD = "They make my pocket glow!",		},		FIREHOUND = "That one is glowy.",		FIREPIT =		{			EMBERS = "I should put something on the fire before it goes out.",			GENERIC = "Sure beats darkness.",			HIGH = "Good thing it's contained!",			LOW = "The fire's getting a bit low.",			NORMAL = "Nice and comfy.",			OUT = "At least I can start it up again.",		},		FIRESTAFF = "I'd better not use this so much they start turning into rainbows.",		FISH = "Fishy.",		FISHINGROD = "Hook, line and stick!",		FISHSTICKS = "I cooked it myself!",		FISHTACOS = "I cooked it myself!",		FISH_COOKED = "Grilled to perfection.",		FLINT = "A vibrator without batteries. Oh wait it's a cock- I mean rock.",		FLOWER = "It's pretty but it smells like a common labourer.",		FLOWERHAT = "It smells like prettiness.",		FLOWER_EVIL = "Augh! It's so evil!",		FOLIAGE = "Some leafy greens.",		FOOTBALLHAT = "I don't like sports.",		FROG =		{			DEAD = "He's croaked it.",			GENERIC = "Get away from me you green hopping wanka!",			SLEEPING = "Stupid frog.",		},		FROGGLEBUNWICH = "I cooked it myself!",		FROGLEGS = "I've heard it's a delicacy.",		FROGLEGS_COOKED = "Tastes like chicken.",		FRUITMEDLEY = "I cooked it myself!",		GEARS = "A pile of mechanical parts.",		GHOST = "I should've never buried my bedsheets. Now a levitating sick man is in it.",		GOLDENAXE = "A lollipop to a certain mongrel.",		GOLDENPICKAXE = "Hey, isn't gold really soft?",		GOLDENPITCHFORK = "Why did I even make a pitchfork this fancy?",		GOLDENSHOVEL = "I can't wait to dig holes.",		GOLDNUGGET = "I can't eat it, but it sure is shiny.",		GRASS =		{			BARREN = "It needs poop.",			BURNING = "That's burning fast!",			GENERIC = "It's a tuft of grass.",			PICKED = "I cut it down in the prime of its life.",		},		GREEN_CAP = "It seems pretty normal.",		GREEN_CAP_COOKED = "It's different now...",		GREEN_MUSHROOM =		{			GENERIC = "It's a mushroom.",			INGROUND = "It's sleeping.",			PICKED = "I wonder if it will come back?",		},		GUNPOWDER = "There'll be Rick Moranis **** everywhere!",		HAMBAT = "It's the Ham Shank.",		HAMMER = "Can't touch this!",		HEALINGSALVE = "The stinging means that it's working.",		HEATROCK =		{			COLD = "It's stone cold.",			GENERIC = "I could heat this up near the fire.",			HOT = "Nice and toasty hot!",			WARM = "It's warm and cuddly... for a rock!",		},		HOME = "Someone must live here.",		HOMESIGN = "It says 'You are here'.",		HONEY = "Looks delicious!",		HONEYCOMB = "Bees used to live in this.",		HONEYHAM = "I cooked it myself!",		HONEYNUGGETS = "I cooked it myself!",		HORN = "It sounds like a beefalo field in there.",		HOUND = "You ain't nothing, hound dog!",		HOUNDBONE = "Creepy.",		HOUNDMOUND = "I wouldn't want to pick a bone with the owner.",		ICEBOX = "I have harnessed the power of cold!",		ICEHOUND = "Are there hounds for every season?",		INSANITYROCK =		{			ACTIVE = "Freaky.",			INACTIVE = "Well damn.",		},		JAMMYPRESERVES = "I cooked it myself!",		KABOBS = "I cooked it myself!",		KILLERBEE =		{			GENERIC = "Like the ones from Krazy Kremland.",			HELD = "This seems dangerous.",		},		KNIGHT = "Check it out!",		KOALEFANT_SUMMER = "C'mere, pumpkin head.",		KOALEFANT_WINTER = "It looks warm and full of meat.",		KRAMPUS = "Call me crazy, but I think I see the intel in its sack!",		KRAMPUS_SACK = "It's bigger on the inside.",		LEIF = "Out of my entire unusual career...",		LEIF_SPARSE = "Out of my entire unusual career...",		LIGHTNING_ROD =		{			CHARGED = "Bloody hell it worked!",			GENERIC = "How do I even learn this stuff...",		},		LITTLE_WALRUS = "He won't be cute and cuddly forever.",		LIVINGLOG = "It looks worried.",		LOCKEDWES = "Those statues are trapping him.",		LOG =		{			BURNING = "That's some hot wood!",			GENERIC = "It's big, it's heavy, and it's wood.",		},		LUREPLANT = "Bloody hell...",		LUREPLANTBULB = "Not sure if a vegetarian would eat this.",		MALE_PUPPET = "Wonder what you did.",		MANDRAKE =		{			DEAD = "A mandrake root has strange powers.",			GENERIC = "I've heard strange things about those plants.",			PICKED = "Stop following me!",		},		MANDRAKESOUP = "I cooked it myself!",		MANDRAKE_COOKED = "It doesn't seem so strange anymore.",		MARBLE = "Fancy!",		MARBLEPILLAR = "I think I could use that.",		MARBLETREE = "Maybe if I ram into it many times, Demopan will do it for me.",		MARSH_BUSH =		{			BURNING = "That's burning fast!",			GENERIC = "A little bramble scramble.",			PICKED = "That hurt.",		},		MARSH_PLANT = "It's a plant.",		MARSH_TREE =		{			BURNING = "Spikes and fire!",			BURNT = "Now it's burnt and spiky.",			CHOPPED = "Not so spiky now!",			GENERIC = "Those spikes look sharp!",		},		MAXWELL = "You must be Merasmus's friend.",		MAXWELLHEAD = "You got a problem with me?",		MAXWELLLIGHT = "Woah.",		MAXWELLLOCK = "Looks kinda frightening.",		MAXWELLTHRONE = "Doesn't look comfy.",		MEAT = "Caught the creature myself.",		MEATBALLS = "Meat crammed into a ball.",		MEATRACK =		{			DONE = "Jerky time!",			DRYING = "Meat takes a while to dry.",			GENERIC = "I should dry some meats.",		},		MEAT_DRIED = "Just jerky enough.",		MERM = "Reminds me of that waitress and her stupid death cheating cat freind.",		MERMHEAD = "Least it's not the head of a certain cat.",		MERMHOUSE = "This ain't Lil' Innsmouth.",		MINERHAT = "I think this is for Engineers only.",		MONKEY = "Curious little guy.",		MONKEYBARREL = "It doesn't say DK on it.",		MONSTERLASAGNA = "I cooked it myself!",		MONSTERMEAT = "Ugh. I don't think I should eat that.",		MONSTERMEAT_DRIED = "Strange-smelling jerky.",		MOSQUITO =		{			GENERIC = "Go away.",			HELD = "Hey, is that my blood?",		},		MOUND =		{			DUG = "I should probably feel really damn good about that.",			GENERIC = "I bet there's all sorts of good **** down there!",		},		NIGHTLIGHT = "It gives off a spooky light.",		NIGHTMAREFUEL = "This stuff is crazy!",		NIGHTSWORD = "I dreamed it myself!",		NITRE = "I'm not a geologist.",		ONEMANBAND = "I'm not a good musician.",		PANDORASCHEST = "It may contain something fantastic! Or horrible.",		PANFLUTE = "I can serenade the animals.",		PAPYRUS = "Some sheets of paper.",		PENGUIN = "Must be breeding season.",		PERD = "Ben yemek icin gidiyourem!",		PEROGIES = "I cooked it myself!",		PETALS = "I showed those flowers who's boss!",		PETALS_EVIL = "I'm not sure I want to hold these.",		PICKAXE = "Iconic, isn't it?",		PIGGYBACK = "I feel kinda bad for that.",		PIGHEAD = "Looks like an offering to the pan god.",		PIGHOUSE =		{			FULL = "It's full.",			GENERIC = "These pigs have pretty fancy houses.",			LIGHTSOUT = "They're sleeping.",		},		PIGKING = "He looks like the leader around here.",		PIGMAN =		{			DEAD = "Here's a touching story, once upon a time, you died, and I lived happily ever after.",			FOLLOWER = "He's part of my team.",			GENERIC = "Pig and men combined?",			GUARD = "They look mad. Like when heavy forgets his sandvich.",			WEREPIG = "I wonder what happened to him, either way, one of us is gonna die, more likely him.",		},		PIGSKIN = "It still has the tail on it.",		PIGTENT = "Smells like bacon.",		PIGTORCH = "Sure looks cozy.",		PINECONE = 		{		    GENERIC = "I can hear a tiny tree inside it, trying to get out.",		    PLANTED = "It'll be a tree soon!",		},		PITCHFORK = "Merasmus might be looking for this.",		PLANTMEAT = "That doesn't look very appealing.",		PLANTMEAT_COOKED = "At least it's warm now.",		PLANT_NORMAL =		{			GENERIC = "Leafy!",			GROWING = "Guh! It's growing so slowly!",			READY = "Mmmm. Ready to harvest.",		},		POMEGRANATE = "It looks like the inside of an alien's brain.",		POMEGRANATE_COOKED = "Haute Cuisine!",		POMEGRANATE_SEEDS = "It's a seed.",		POND = "I can't see the bottom!",		POOP = "Just some ****.",		PUMPKIN = "It's as big as my head!",		PUMPKINCOOKIE = "I cooked it myself!",		PUMPKIN_COOKED = "How did it turn into a pie...",		PUMPKIN_LANTERN = "I took it off that headless axe ghoul.",		PUMPKIN_SEEDS = "It's a seed.",		PURPLEAMULET = "It's whispering to me.",		PURPLEGEM = "This is one odd gem.",		RABBIT =		{			GENERIC = "He's looking for carrots.",			HELD = "Twitchy witchy rabbit.",		},		RABBITHOLE = "That must lead to the Kingdom of the Bunnymen.",		RAINOMETER = "It measures cloudiness.",		RATATOUILLE = "Also a mediocre Pixar film.",		RAZOR = "A sharpened rock tied to a stick. Hygienic!",		REDGEM = "It sparkles with inner warmth.",		RED_CAP = "It smells funny.",		RED_CAP_COOKED = "It's different now...",		RED_MUSHROOM =		{			GENERIC = "It's a mushroom.",			INGROUND = "It's sleeping.",			PICKED = "I wonder if it will come back?",		},		REEDS =		{			BURNING = "That's really burning!",			GENERIC = "It's a clump of reeds.",			PICKED = "I picked all the useful reeds.",		},        RELIC =         {            GENERIC = "Ancient household goods.",            BROKEN = "Nothing to work with here.",        },        RUINS_RUBBLE = "This can be fixed.",        RUBBLE = "Just bits and pieces of rock.",		RESEARCHLAB = "How am I supposed to learn from this?",		RESEARCHLAB2 = "Reminds me of my old math class.",		RESEARCHLAB3 = "Bloody hell.",		RESEARCHLAB4 = "Who would name something that?",		RESURRECTIONSTATUE = "Wonder who this is.",		RESURRECTIONSTONE = "What an odd looking stone.",		ROBIN =		{			GENERIC = "Does that mean spring is coming?",			HELD = "He likes my pocket.",		},		ROBIN_WINTER =		{			GENERIC = "Life in the frozen wastes.",			HELD = "It's so soft. Like ****.",		},		ROBOT_PUPPET = "I never liked robots.",		ROCK_LIGHT =		{			GENERIC = "A crusted over lava pit.",			OUT = "Looks fragile.",			LOW = "The lava's crusting over.",			NORMAL = "Nice and comfy.",		},		ROCK = "It wouldn't fit in my pocket.",		ROCKS = "I can make stuff with these.",        ROOK = "ROCK EM' SOCK EM' ROBO RHINOS!",		ROPE = "Some short lengths of rope.",		ROTTENEGG = "Ew! It stinks!",		SANITYROCK =		{			ACTIVE = "That's a CRAZY looking rock!",			INACTIVE = "Where did the rest of it go?",		},		SAPLING =		{			BURNING = "That's burning fast!",			GENERIC = "Just a little tree.",			PICKED = "That'll teach him.",		},		SEEDS = "Each one is a tiny mystery.",		SEEDS_COOKED = "I cooked all the life out of 'em!",		SEWING_KIT = "I'll sew like my mom.",		SHOVEL = "There's a lot going on underground.",		SILK = "It comes from a spider's ass.",		SKELETON = "If I didn't kill him, then who did?",		SKULLCHEST = "Probably for Canopian women only.",		SMALLBIRD =		{			GENERIC = "That's a rather small bird.",			HUNGRY = "It looks hungry.",			STARVING = "It must be starving.",		},		SMALLMEAT = "A tiny chunk of dead animal.",		SMALLMEAT_DRIED = "A little jerky.",		SPEAR = "That's one pointy stick.",		SPIDER =		{			DEAD = "Ewwww!",			GENERIC = "Eight legged mongrel.",			SLEEPING = "Spy would be good by now.",		},		SPIDERDEN = "Sticky!",		SPIDEREGGSACK = "I've been through worse.",		SPIDERGLAND = "It has a tangy, antiseptic smell.",		SPIDERHAT = "I hope I got all of the spider goo out of it.",		SPIDERQUEEN = "Bloody hell.",		SPIDER_WARRIOR =		{			DEAD = "You lost your leg, you really show your colors as a warrior, mate.",			GENERIC = "Looks even meaner than usual.",			SLEEPING = "I should keep my distance.",		},		SPOILED_FOOD = "It's a furry ball of rotten food.",		STATUEHARP = "What has happened to the head?",		STATUEMAXWELL = "Reminds me of Merasmus.",		STINGER = "Looks sharp!",		STRAWHAT = "What a nice hat.",		STUFFEDEGGPLANT = "I cooked it myself!",		SUNKBOAT = "It's no use to me out there!",		TAFFY = "I cooked it myself!",		TALLBIRD = "Slenderman evolved into a bird.",		TALLBIRDEGG = "Will it hatch?",		TALLBIRDEGG_COOKED = "Delicious and nutritional.",		TALLBIRDEGG_CRACKED =		{			COLD = "Brrrr!",			GENERIC = "Looks like it's hatching.",			HOT = "Eggs supposed to sweat? Natural.",			LONG = "I have a feeling this is going to take a while...",			SHORT = "It should hatch any time now.",		},		TALLBIRDNEST =		{			GENERIC = "That's quite an egg!",			PICKED = "The nest is empty.",		},		TEENBIRD =		{			GENERIC = "Not a very tall bird.",			HUNGRY = "I'd better find it some food.",			STARVING = "It has a dangerous look in it's eye.",		},		TELEBASE =		{			VALID = "It's ready to go.",			GEMS = "It needs more purple gems.",		},		GEMSOCKET = 		{			VALID = "Looks ready.",			GEMS = "It needs a gem.",		},		TELEPORTATO_BASE =		{			ACTIVE = "With this I can surely pass through space and time!",			GENERIC = "This appears to be a nexus to another world!",			LOCKED = "There's still something missing.",			PARTIAL = "Soon, my invention will be complete!",		},		TELEPORTATO_BOX = "This may control the polarity of the whole universe.",		TELEPORTATO_CRANK = "Tough enough to handle the most intense experiments.",		TELEPORTATO_POTATO = "This metal potato contains great and fearful power...",		TELEPORTATO_RING = "A ring that could focus dimensional energies.",		TELESTAFF = "It can show me the world.",		TENT = "I get crazy when I don't sleep.",		TENTACLE = "That looks dangerous.",		TENTACLESPIKE = "It's pointy and slimy.",		TENTACLESPOTS = "I hope this came from the **** of the octopus.",		TENTACLE_PILLAR = "A slimy pole.",		TENTACLE_PILLAR_ARM = "Little slippery arms.",		TENTACLE_GARDEN = "Little slippery arms.",		TOPHAT = "A modest pile of hat.",		TORCH = "Something to hold back the night.",		TRAP = "I wove it real tight.",		TRAP_TEETH = "This is a nasty surprise.",		TRAP_TEETH_MAXWELL = "I'm hating this Maxwell fella more and more.",		TREASURECHEST = "I put stuff in here!",		TREASURECHEST_TRAP = "How convenient!",		TREECLUMP = "It's almost like someone is trying to prevent me from going somewhere.",		TRINKET_1 = "They are all melted together.",		TRINKET_10 = "I hope I get out of here before I need these.",		TRINKET_11 = "He whispers beautiful lies to me.",		TRINKET_12 = "Probably some basment dewllin' wanka's Japanese dildo.",		TRINKET_2 = "It's just a cheap replica.",		TRINKET_3 = "The knot is stuck. Forever.",		TRINKET_4 = "I'm not schlepping Gnome Chompski to a rocket.",		TRINKET_5 = "Sadly, it's too small for me to escape on.",		TRINKET_6 = "Their electricity carrying days are over.",		TRINKET_7 = "I have no time for fun and games!",		TRINKET_8 = "Great. All of my tub stopping needs are met.",		TRINKET_9 = "I'm more of a zipper person, myself.",		TRUNKVEST_SUMMER = "Wilderness casual.",		TRUNKVEST_WINTER = "Winter survival gear.",		TRUNK_COOKED = "Somehow even more nasal than before.",		TRUNK_SUMMER = "A light breezy trunk.",		TRUNK_WINTER = "A thick, hairy trunk.",		TURF_CARPETFLOOR = "It's surprisingly scratchy.",		TURF_CHECKERFLOOR = "These are pretty snazzy.",		TURF_DIRT = "A chunk of ground.",		TURF_FOREST = "A chunk of ground.",		TURF_GRASS = "A chunk of ground.",		TURF_MARSH = "A chunk of ground.",		TURF_ROAD = "Hastily cobbled stones.",		TURF_ROCKY = "A chunk of ground.",		TURF_SAVANNA = "A chunk of ground.",		TURF_WOODFLOOR = "These are floorboards.",		TURKEYDINNER = "Mmmm.",		TWIGS = "It's a bunch of small twigs.",		UMBRELLA = "This will keep my Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixitive dry, at least.",		UNIMPLEMENTED = "I don't think it's finished.",		WAFFLES = "Good thing they're not blue.",		WALL_HAY = "Hmmmm. I guess that'll have to do.",		WALL_HAY_ITEM = "This seems like a bad idea.",		WALL_STONE = "That's a nice wall.",		WALL_STONE_ITEM = "They make me feel so safe.",		WALL_RUINS = "An ancient piece of wall.",		WALL_RUINS_ITEM = "A solid piece of history.",		WALL_WOOD = "Pointy!",		WALL_WOOD_ITEM = "Pickets!",		WALRUS = "I'm a better hunter than you mate!",		WALRUSHAT = "I think this is for Demomen only.",		WALRUS_CAMP =		{			EMPTY = "Looks like somebody was camping here.",			GENERIC = "It looks warm and cozy inside.",		},		WALRUS_TUSK = "I'm sure I'll find a use for it eventually.",		WASPHIVE = "I think those bees are mad.",		WETGOOP = "I cooked it myself!",		WINTERHAT = "It'll be good for when winter comes.",		WINTEROMETER = "I am one heck of a scientist.",		WORMHOLE =		{			GENERIC = "Soft and undulating.",			OPEN = "That doesn't look safe.",		},		WORMHOLE_LIMITED = "Guh, that thing looks worse off than usual.",	},	DESCRIBE_GENERIC = "It's a... thing.",	DESCRIBE_TOODARK = "It's too dark to see!",	EAT_FOOD =	{		TALLBIRDEGG_CRACKED = "Mmm. Beaky.",	},}

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not sure if this is causing it but either way it needs a fix


 ANNOUNCE_CANFIX = "\nI think I could fix this!",

Nope, didn't work, same error. and there isn't even a single ï as it says anywhere in his LUA, so I have no idea what the issue is. I made the file by just simply modifying another mod character I had downloaded.

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Nevermind I got him to work, turns out I forgot to add spaces in the command


STRINGS.CHARACTERS.SNIPER = require "speech_sniper"


it gives me that feel.......



Welp, better learn to program his other perks real quick and then i'll make a separate release thread when he's done.


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