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Rabbitfists fan fic thread

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i can see you made the way into my fan fiction thread.this is the first time i make dont starve inspired stories and these will play after wilson and the other characters got back into their world.now i hope you will have fun with the prolouge


some tallbirds were in the rockylands, breeding their eggs, they made what birds normally do.make their nests bigger,hunted for food and made their location safe for possibly dangers for themselve and their childs.the sky turned dark, because their have some dark clouds arrived.before a moment, there was no wind, but now, the tallbirds are looking nervous around.then they putted their nests on the head and runned away with them,they knewed that it isn't anymore safer in their home terrain.then some creatures appeared on the begin of the rockyland, some others at the other side.the creatures on the right side were pigs, the creatures on the other are spiders, tons of spiders.behind them standed horses made out of metal, functioning like a clockwork.on the side were the pigs are appeared some giant bunnies, one with an scottish cap too.than a very fat pig appeared, he weared an earring and a crown made out of grass.on the side with the spiders appeared a man with an tuxedo, sitting on an throne made out of shadows.on the side with the pigs and the bunnymen appeared a human with an crazy hair style, that looked like a W.the man said''are you ready, maxwell?the man in the tuxedo answered back:''i will kill you, little scientist''.''my name is Wilson.Wilson P. Higgsburry!''

i am not the best in english cause im from germany.

and if you find mistakes you can have them

Edited by Rabbitfist
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Considering English is not your first language, this is pretty good. I agree that the grammar needs improvement, but by writing you can also improve it :DTake it easy and keep writing :D

well, i will begin part 2 from the prolouge in a few minutes
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also, heres part 2 of the prolouge PROLOUGE:THE GREAT WAR (part2)the war has began,the legions of spiders and merms began to storm on the army of bunnymen and pigs, which begin to do the same.Wilson putted a spear out and began to run against 3 spiders, ready to kill them, a spider with a green slime in his face appeared, but wilson screamed into his face:''GO FOR THE EYES,YOU MONSTER!''and pushed his spear into his body.but then a giant spider appeared, double so big as he is ''it would be interesting to see if you can kill this creature without your weapons''said maxwell and wilsons spear turned into ash.then a person jumped from a cliff holding a blow pipe in her hand in blewed in it.then a red dart hitted the giant spider and she began to burn.it was a girl, maybe 16 years old holding an staff with an twinkling red crystal on it in her hand.''WILLOW? i tought you were dead''said wilson.''i survived the attack of the deerclops, but now take this''said willow and throwed an tentacle spike into wilsons direction.wilson jumped up and catched it.''thank you willow''he said and runned trough the lines of spiders.the giant spider has stopped to burn and screamed angry in the direction of willow.''now its you or me, spider mommy!''she said and called an inferno with her staff.wilson runned with his new weapon and faced to merms, that grab him at his arm and punching into his face.''not really fair, why you don't...play with some of my friends''a young girl with blond hairs and 2 red flowers in her hairs appeared, then she putted some flowers down, after she done this she putted an rose on the ground, and hold an rabbit in her arms.the merms watched asking what she is doing, and began to laugh over her.''then she killed the rabbit with her fist and a ghost appeared out of the flower and said''oh, you are laughing over my twin sister, i don't like it when my TWIN SISTER GETS BULLIED!''the ghost has gone into the blond girl and her eyes glowed pink.''YOU LITTLE STINKY FISHES BROUGHT THE WRATH OF ABIGAIL OVER YOU,NOW ARRIVE ,MY DEAD FRIENDS AND HELP ME TO FIGHT THIS SUFFER WORMS!''she necromanced some other ghosts, looking angry at the merms and now float around them.''wendy?i didn't know you can do this!''said wilson.''thank you wilson, but my twin sister called her death friends, not me.''''this offends me as a scientist''said wilson and runned deeper into the legions of monsters

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its time for part part 3 of the prolougePROLOUGE:the great war(part3)wilson made the half way to maxwell, but now he is on a wall of tentacles.''its to risky to try to get trough, i can die.'' ''do you need some help, young man?''an old woman appeared with some books in her arms.''miss bottom, my high school teacher, you got brought into this world too?'' ''you can call me wickerbottom now, im not your teacher anymore and you aren't my student since your made your gone to the university.but now let me help you''wickerbottom searched for an page and spoked''brisingr!''thunders gone from the heaven and killed the tentacles.''thank you wickerbottom'' ''your welcome, but now go, i will help your other friends.'' wilson got into an square with checkerboard flooring and strange trees out of marble.''what tha heck is that for an place.'' said wilson as he noticed robot horses and 2 clockwork bishops.''back off, preacherman.'' he said, but than wilson heard another noise, an electric voice.''BZZZZzzzzz, help... me... master...'' ''Wx, my automaton, what are you doing here, and what happened to you?'' ''THE DEmon wanted me... for his robot army... and that i kill you... i said him... i never would attack... my creator... then his... robots attacked me... i can survive... when i would get... their gears...'' '' i will get them, my robot, i will help you'' he said and jumped into the direction of a horse and hitted it.the horse was a hole in that are some gears, wilson grabbed the gears and pulled them out.the yellow glowing eyes of the horse turned into balck empty eyes and the horse felled onto the ground.the other horses and the bishops noticed him and wilson runned as fast as he can and tried to go the shock balls out of the way as good as he can, as he got to Wx he opened his back and put the gears in, then a lightnings strikek into Wx and he said ''ULTIMATE SYSTEM OVERLOAD!BEGIN TO EXTERMINATE CREATORS ENEMIES!'' Wx holded his hand into the direction and eletric charged onto the bishops and horses. ''say pal, looks like you need more challenge'' Maxwell said and then black fog appeared and then a giant red robot like a rhino appeared.''I THINK ITS NOT GOOD MASTER!'' from the nose of the monster cam fireballs out that flies on wilson, but wilson goes back and stumbles.the robot charges at wilson.''YOU WILL NOT HURT MY CREATOR, STUPID ANIMAL RE-CREATION!''Wx jumped between wilson and the robot and the robot crashed together with Wx and exploded.''NO!'' screamed wilson, and Wx body parts rained from the sky.

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Well, the first thing I have to say is that it would suck being called Mrs. Bottom. But seriously, the tension you're building up here is nuts! Now Wilson has a vengeance! And this is just the prologue. Can't wait for the next part!

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Well, the first thing I have to say is that it would suck being called Mrs. Bottom. But seriously, the tension you're building up here is nuts! Now Wilson has a vengeance! And this is just the prologue. Can't wait for the next part!

next part is in a few minutes, the prolouge is only about how wilson and the other characters defeated maxwell, the real one is just how my roleplay characters survive together
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also, heres the next part of the prolouge very late.veeeeery late!prolouge:the great war (part4 and 5 putted together because over a week came nothing here)''ugh...i can't run anymore, im so hungry''wilson said after running one day trough the giant rockyland.''oh great, now i see monkeys and a cave entrance, i must be very insane.''it looks like wilson will starve,but then he sees ballons.''what the?ballons?wes, is that you?''wes appeared, flying with balloons bounded on his arms and a meaty stew in his hands.''is that for me?thank you wes!''said wilson and ate the stew.after sometime wilson passed a small canyon and got to an plateau impossible to get trough.''the ground doesn't looks safe enough to pass.''wilson noticed after a few seconds the barking of hounds and sees 20 of them a bit far away fighting with a man.''i will show you stupid puppies whos the strongest here!''the man said and kicked some of them down a cliff.''Wolfgang, hold out, i will help you''''thank you doc, but i can handle with this stupid guys''said Wolfgang and knocked them out.''can you help me get over to the other side of the plateau wolfgang, the way ins't safe enough'' ''don't forget us!''willow said this and she and the others stand behind wolfgang and wilson ''you are alright, my weak friends''said Wolfgang and hugged them all.''good that wes told us that you are here.and thanks to god that wickerbottom is an profi in playing charade.''said wendy.''but, wheres the robot''asked wolfgang.wilson looked onto the ground and said''he were destroyed''''thats said, but i know you can build a new one, now the big question:how we will get on the other side''wes throwed a rock in their direction and holded some balloons in his hands.''this is insane, but we have nothing to lose''finally the survivers that were brought to the islands defeated maxwell and broked the shadow throne, then maxwell changed into a guy called william carter and stayed in the dimension, because he can't go into the real world because its since 1000 years that he was on the earth and that hes only such young because in the dimension the time goes very slow.after they won the great war they returned into their own dimension and their own home, but now its the year 2030 in their dimension.''so, william has fallen to some of this weak humans.but thats not important anymore, im powerful enough to start the new age begin.and this time i will not get prisoned by weak creatures created from me!''

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