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Hey guys here are some ideas that came in mind.

1.Sea monster's what i mean by that is that while im running toward another island i want something exciting to happen for an example [There could be big octopus blocking a way to an island which means could try and attack it but it will hurt alot/w armor on, or 2.You could one use an projectile/explosive to defeat the unknown monster and more about the blocking towards an island there could be special material on that island like a new kind of crop/gold nuggets/silver nuggets ect.]

2.A bow and arrow why i think this would be an awesome item in the game is that it makes it so you look at the game differently what i mean by that is that how many days/nights would it take to hunt [A boar or a rabbit] which concludes my other idea on some new enemy/monsters i know the hound is coming out which im excited about but why not and monster that roams at night which attacks you at night by your fire which sits there and waits for the right moment to STRIKE i think there should be more feeling that you are scared when its night and that you need to prepare for what's going to happen at your camp.

3.Farming Cattle what i mean for that is i think it would be the sickest thing iv ever seen is that you need [example]wood,planks,stone, and like clay how would it benefit you? is could have it so you can walk with the monster, what i mean is that the only NPC would be a beefalo. So going on with the benefit is that one it can only carry crops but you might say well will it grow like the normal speed ones no, i think it would take longer for them to grow and make it more challenging for the player,so you don't have a walking food bank following you where you are and i think there should be a distance on how far the cattle can go from your main base. One more thing to add is that not only you are trying to survive make it so you can to feed and give them water to stay alive or your cattle + crops will die Beefalo eats grass he fertilizes your crops for you which should have a timer to when your cattle will eat/fertilize your crops.

4.A boat why i think is a fun/exciting way to but a boat into Don't Starve is that you can add wind monsters into the water sometimes Pirates/scavengers would attack you going on your adventure sailing to an outskirts on the island you started on. The difficulties sailing 1.The water what i mean by that is that you could sail right into a thunder storm and it can break one of your boats things. 2.Thinking about what to bring on your sail what i mean is that their should be a time when you stop what you are doing and think of what items/materials you have to bring to keep you alive, and that you don't starve. 3.Repairing it says it all i think it would the a challenge and so fun to have you go through the night 1.getting attacked 2. struggle in with a hole in your boat while trying to repair your boat so the morning you can sail towards that island and make it safe.

5.Co-Op i know that some people might be saying this already but hear me out, why i think co-op would be an amazing thing in Don't Starve is that one you can play with your friends 2.More challenge in the game type. Let me explain this more, 1.New monsters you can add new monsters + with the monsters/NPC's that you already have to make it even more of a challenge. 2.Hunger what i mean is that both of your friend hunger bar will go down faster then before not saying you will die in day 1 but i think it would be so cool that you have to strategize on what time and when one of you has to eat. 3.Farms for where Don't Stave is right now is once you get your berry farm in line you can survive 100+ days i think you should look outside of the box, which i mean is that one NPC's, birds, rabbits, roaming monsters At night and day will eat not only your berries but more of your crops. 4.Materialsis that i think it should be more difficult to find twigs,grass in your world, i think there is a lot on your plate when you start.

I would like to thank my viewers and myself for thinking of all these cool ideas please give me feedback on these ideas, and thank you for taking your time and reading my ideas! more to come!

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1. I think this would need to start after a period of days. If it could happen in the first few days it would be rather annoying.

2. I think bows and arrows would be great. Not much more to say really… it's a bow. With arrows.

3. I don't like it to much. If I see a cow like creature in the wild, odds are, your not going to really make it do what you want.

4.I agree there should be boats, but I don't think there should be pirates or the like.

5. The Devs have no plans for multiplayer where there are multiple people in a world at once, period.

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A boat of some kind would be cool.

You could begin with a raft and build better boats over time. Most advanced boat could act as little mobile base where you could sleep and store food and other items.

It would be cool to explore sea, make maps, and find new island.

And you could sometime meet sea monsters and risk being lost in fog or meet a storm.

If your ship sunk while on board, you would have chances swimming to a nearby island. If you survive the shipwreck, you would be on a new unexplored island and whitout items and resources.

Of course, there would be a good potential for fishing and placing crab cages.

If seasons are implemented, fishing could be a lifesaving food source during winter.

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A boat of some kind would be cool.

Agreed. If the DEVs eliminate the stone bridges connecting the islands and introduce boats/rafts as a means to travel from one island to the next, that would be very cool. It would certain add something more to the sense of exploration and they could even place the islands farther apart... leaving players hunting the open seas in search of them (well... okay, maybe not too far apart). Of course before they do that they need to add in a new biome... beaches. Players in turn would then land their boat/raft on the beach in order to get onto the island. In other places they could add jagged rocks sticking up from the waters, upon which a boat/raft would be damaged and/or sink... taking the player to a watery grave.

they could even build a tech tree around these "water transports". Start off with the raft (wind powered, hard to steer), then advance to a boat (wind + oar powered, varied speeds/good handling), then say, the paddle boat (powered by rabbits in a running wheel, which spins the paddle wheel, good speed/handling), and lastly steam powered (powered by steam engine, which requires coal, but has great speed/good handling). Just some ideas...

You could begin with a raft and build better boats over time. Most advanced boat could act as little mobile base where you could sleep and store food and other items.

Hahaha! I swear, every now and then I suggest something, only to read the very next comment afterwards and see the same idea suggested. So obviously I agree. :p

It would be cool to explore sea, make maps, and find new island.


And you could sometime meet sea monsters and risk being lost in fog or meet a storm.


If your ship sunk while on board, you would have chances swimming to a nearby island. If you survive the shipwreck, you would be on a new unexplored island and whitout items and resources.

Hmmm. If they ever add a stamina gauge that lowers as you swim and places the risk that you will eventually drown, then yes. Otherwise you could swim from island to island without any real fear (other than sea monsters). rather than a shipwreck, I would say your boat simply sink and you lose anything you had stored on it... of course I'm suggesting each type of boat have a limited storage capacity linked to it. Say, 6 storage on a raft, 8 on a boat, 10 on a paddle boat, 12 on a steam engine boat. That doesn't sound like too much and should give you what you need to not only survive the voyage, but setup camp on a new island (as you would only have that, plus your inventory to count on, unless you made the long trip back to the other island (and again faced the risks of sea travel).

Of course, there would be a good potential for fishing and placing crab cages.

Yes. The fishing pole would be great, as we already have it. Then all we would need is to have a formula similar to the rabbit trap, only with a rope + "floater" on it. Then the player tosses these traps into the water and the floater marks the location. Maybe when it's bobbing up/down a lot it would signal the trap has caught something...

If seasons are implemented, fishing could be a lifesaving food source during winter.

Agreed. Dried and smoked fish would be great source of meat. I would even hazard to say players could fish during winter on the sea (not ponds though because, as someone else suggested, they should all be frozen-over). Of course the risk of storms should be worse during winter... which causes serious problems when at sea.

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Wait a minute! Is this some attempt to get out of responding to all my comments Nightkiller89? :o

Answer my posts in your other thread! :p

yeah sorry about that there was an internet problem so i think i posted it like 2 times or 3 but ill respond to both threads :)
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