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i hope warly gets more stuff to do with seafaring for his skill tree

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warly is a good character but he doesn't really have enough active bonuses specific to him that incentivices players to play as him more, and so i really feel like giving warly some stuff that helps with seafaring and being at sea would be a pretty nice way to help

1. we don't have a character that has bonuses regarding sailing (wonkey doesn't count)

2. warly is from shipwrecked and it'd be a fun callback since he did spend a long time there before coming to dst

3. warly was a sailor as seen from his victorian skin

idk it'd be a nice niche for him to fill out that fits into his character and won't make him too broken considering he's already a pretty powerful character just with his dishes, stuff like making him just have a better experience when boating, making fishing less annoying, giving him some more ways to gather food on the sea would be pretty nice

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I hope he gets those 3 things I keep asking for but I mostly hope he just doesn't get something that negates his downside since that's half the reason to play him. Him getting some sailing perks would be fine, but if people hate Walter because they don't understand how a dog + a slingshot are related to being a boyscout then I think they'd hate Warly getting perks based on a reference to one of his skins.

52 minutes ago, Alexx7 said:

we don't have a character that has bonuses regarding sailing

Wolfgang rows super hard and interacts with ship items very quickly.

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