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Fuelweaver's thrid eye is shadow side "Mysterious Energy"?

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Anyone who has set foot in DST lore will be aware of the fact that the shadow and moon is similar.

But games ddi't show these two things in the same way. In theory, we can use clues from one of them to infer from the other, assuming that Shadow and Moon operate in the same pattern, except for what we know to be different.


Both sides of the pre-rift progress are how to build a portal to "unraveling the world" as the main thread. 

On the lunar side, Wagstaff did a lot of work to capture "Mysterious Energy" to power his portal, so it must be very important even necessary.

And it has a form of "true itself", as Maxwell points out, is the third phase of the Celestial Champion: a floating mass of eye style.


Examine Celestial Champion Phase 3

Maxwell: "At last you reveal your true self."

On the shadow side, the process of finding power for the Ancient Gateway seems much simpler. Gateway is designed to be powered by a battery device filled with dark energy, which is what we call the Ancient Key.

I've added quote of Wigfird and WX here, which nicely illustrate the fact that the energy does come from the key and not from "the other side of the gateway", as the portal is not yet open


Examine Ancient Key

Winona: "Some sort of old power source."


Examine Charge Gateway

Maxwell: "It is feeding off the dark energy."

Woodie: "It's soaking up energy, hey?"

Wigfird: "Soon it will open the path!"


Ancient Key has a special feature: after you plug it in, it sets the gate to ON, and only after the player summons AFW does it actually start charging to open the portal.

And speaking of the Fuelweaver, he actually owns something with a floating mass of eye style, and that it has some inexplicable connection to the Shadow Entity- his thrid eye.


And we all know that Fuelweaver is borrowing power from somewhere, which is still the key, and if he wins and pulls it, he will die.


"Lend me your power, one last time.",


So, what's the theory?

  • Creating a portal powerful enough to tear reality apart requires special energy. For the lunar side it's the "mysterious energy" and for the shadow side it's the third eye of Fuelweaver. They are both powerful energy bodies in the form of eyes from their respective gods.
  • This eye is the source of Fuelweaver's power, as well as the reason why fossils only turn into three-eyed AFW near the Gateway and not a normal two-eyed resurrected skeleton.

What does it explain?

  • This completely explains the interaction logic between AFW and Gateway.
  • It provides a reason why Charlie must defeat AFW to start the rift.
  • Reveal the connection between AFW and CC.


Edited by Cassielu
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Mix red and blue and you get purple. The third portal in the game is purple. It spawns monkey pirates. In the Archives there is a sealed portal as well.

Plus the Florid Postern follows Charlie's shadow theme. It can be turned into the Celestial Portal which is of lunar theme. This does not change its grayish appearance however.

There seems to be some reoccurring similarities but not always.

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