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Egg Unlocks Creature For Pick-up and Drop-off

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I know there's the whole data unlock thing, and it's fine if the data on the creature isn't unlocked in the book until it hatches (I even like that) but it'd be nice to be able to prepare a pen for critters when we get a 'new egg.'

(I've played enough to know what's what, but even from a new player's perspective:)

I see this egg, it's called a "stone hatch egg." I don't know what that is (and am choosing to not look it up on the web because I don't want to be spoiled).

I have no idea what it is, but I know it's special. When it hatches, I'd like it placed in a certain pen/ranch. It'd be nice to be able to tell the drop-off and pick-up to put the critter there, even though it hasn't hatched yet.

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There is a mod that seems to do what you need. He doesn't seem to be very popular.
However, a quick test in the sandbox showed that the mod does not work very reliably.

Technical Details:
The mod matches animals, eggs and babies based on the configuration file. It means that by default this mod does not work with modded animals. You will have to find out and write the IDs of modded animals, eggs and babies to the configuration file yourself.

I can easily create another mod with similar functionality, but without any configuration files. Which will match all animals, eggs and babies, including modded ones, based on in-game data.
But do you or anyone else need it?

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