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Will werepig drop its laser cannon?

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Currently scrap werepig get its laser cannon post-CC rather than post-rift, while it drops wagstuff bluprints when rift is open. I konw this intentional. After all mostly we instantly offer Wagstaff the shard after CC is defeated. But there are some relatively not reasonable situations.


1.For those who set the rift always open, they just get those blueprints through defeating a werepig without the cannon.

2024-03-17102230.png.7625039d730d4e90705d481dad719ebe.png2.For those who offer the shard later or never do so, they have to face a more powerful werepig withpout any bonus rewards.

I know these situations are not common, but they are the results of choices offered by game. Challenges and rewards are irrelevant.

I think that one of the solutions is adding new items to werepig's post-CC drops. Apparently Klei wants to keep repairable equipment post-rift, So maybe something like Scrappy Chapauldron is a good choice?


I really like this item, it has low durability but useful and interesting functions. I wonder whether Klei will add other two weapens to werepig's drops. Personally I'm really looking forward to it since I watched the stream, who doesn't want a big laser cannon after all, right?

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Maybe if the laser cannon is unlocked for the Werepig, he could drop a single Enlightened Shard? Since that requires defeating the Celestial Champion specifically, not lunar rifts being enabled.

It's something that just came to mind, since defeating the Celestial Champion nets you 1 + 5 from deconstructing the crown (though you probably won't do this if you're playing with other people until everyone has a crown).

So maybe that could help so very slightly to get more shards for the newest recipes and other uses that shards have, as well as let multiplayer servers get them without having to deconstruct extra crowns? Or even like, maybe you don't mind getting individual shards slowly by defeating the Scrappy Werepig every so often (given the respawn timer and all) instead of going after Celestial Champion again (while that remains an overall more efficient option due to how many you get from that fight).

Edit: I forgot to say that I the idea of a getting the cannon or something similar from it in some way would be very cool. Just also had the idea for a shard if that's not something they're planning or would like to do.

Thinking about it a bit more, even a smaller version could work (like from a craftable that requires something from it), since Klei added a lot of extra functionality to alterguardian_laser.lua to adjust the scale, hit radius scale, and a few other things.

Edited by hoxi
oops wrong shard count
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On 3/19/2024 at 3:59 AM, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy said:

Apparently Klei wants to keep repairable equipment post-rift, So maybe something like Scrappy Chapauldron is a good choice?

If that is the case I have to question why we get the dreadstone gear and eyemask pre-rifts. Hell, Wigrid is even able to repair her Commander's helm pre-rifts, and Wanda just straight up has a repairable weapon. Obviously there is some degree of difference with these (i.e 3 of those 4 are capable of breaking if not treated with care) but it seems like an odd thing to be concerned about given a lot of the (relatively) recent content they have added is repairable. Hell, in the case of Dreadstone gear and the Eyemask it is literally their entire point of existing.

That isn't to say I think the Chapauldron should be made repairable, I don't think it'd be worthwhile when compared to the Eyemask or Dreadstone helm, both of which only require one boss kill. It's moreso that Klei's logic in this case seems really inconsistent.

I really don't want a repeat of ocean content where Klei adds cool things but makes engaging with them either not worth it, or ties their entire worth to a wider questline. Nightmare Werepig already has a similar issue to Crab King in that all of his significant/unique loot is blueprints, but at least the items those blueprints make are good beyond niche edge cases. And honestly? I'm not even saying bosses need unique loot to be worth fighting, but the loot they drop should at the very least not feel like a gigantic waste of time.


I would say that a potential solution to Scrappy Werepig would simply be to add a whole lot of scrap to his drops, but the issue is that rift materials have kind of hit a stagnant phase where their repairable nature makes them cheap enough to maintain that their materials become just sort of worthless. I think the fact that people are OK with the pure brilliance farm kind of speaks for itself when it comes to how little the quantity of rift materials matters. Crab King could probably get away with dropping way more shell bells, or a bunch of bottles because those resources are legitimately quite scarce to accumulate.

I don't know, maybe we'll just get Scrappy Werepig's hitting stick and laser cannon and all my complaints will be for naught.

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  • 10 hours ago, Masked Koopa said:

    Apparently Klei wants to keep repairable equipment post-rift, So maybe something like Scrappy Chapauldron is a good choice?

    I'm sorry that my statement wasn't clear enough and caused some misunderstanding. The repairable equipment I referred to is WARBIS gears and WOBOT. They don't disappear when they're out of durability and can be repaired by Auto-Mat-O-Chanic, unlike Werepig's drops.
    I came to the conclusion from the fact that Werepig drops just one Chanic and drops its blueprint when the rift is open. Apparently Klei wants to limit the use of such repairable equipment pre-rift. I know your concern and dissatisfaction because I feel the same way. And I'm afraid that Klei won't make horizon expander and chapauldron repairable, we have no way to increase their durability.
    So I guess it's not possible to solve the problem through the items exist. And nobody knows whether the stick and laser cannon are on Klei's to do list at first. If not, I don't know if I could expect them to add two new items before Wednesday's update.
    10 hours ago, Masked Koopa said:

    I would say that a potential solution to Scrappy Werepig would simply be to add a whole lot of scrap to his drops

    On 3/21/2024 at 8:24 AM, hoxi said:

    Maybe if the laser cannon is unlocked for the Werepig, he could drop a single Enlightened Shard?

    Maybe one reliable and possible solution is making Werepig drop more scraps when it holds stick and drop a enlightened shard when it holds laser cannon, I guess?

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