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World clean up settings could be huge!

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10 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

Because that’s too simple, some people might want rot or twigs to disappear on their own over time if left on the ground, but some people might want Beefalo poop (mainly just wormwood or farmers lol) and seeds not to despawn.

Personally I prefer the feathers and rotten eggs left behind by Pengull and birds NOT to Despawn because I enjoy going back through areas and finding stuff like free Gunpowder resources laying around.

Having a toggle for every individual item though just sounds like way way too much work.

Klei should probably just give us a Roomba or let us upgrade the Ice Flingo Matic to pick up things left on the ground in its “workers” AoE radius, kinda like some weird Doctor Seues contraption with extending arms or whatever.

Also how does the game know what to pick up and what to leave on the ground?? I (and I’m sure a ton of Megabase designers) would be PISSED if the game randomly deleted the stuff I left laying on the ground- Such as Festive Baubles to look like they had fallen off the nearby Christmas tree.

or my cute Beefalo Doll Collection:


Although it would be interesting if things dropped on the ground DID disappear if left there too long then DST would have a mode similar to Minecrafts- where when you “die” it deletes the items you had on you from the game world- and that would be quite interesting way of playing the game (as long as it was an optional game mode setting)

I was proposing have that extra option. I think the way i put it was not clear.  Just in case you want to clean your entire map at once.

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